The Official NEM Newsletter

Our newsletter is a great way to keep yourself up to date and get a clear overview on what is currently happening with NEM.

Here is a summary of the ones we issued so far:

[url=]NEM Newsletter #1 -  22, June, 2014
Topics: Development Update, NEM is not just a coin, Streamlined news, On the Technology Side, As we approach Alpha

[url=]NEM Newsletter #2 -  01, July, 2014
Topics: Alpha Launched, NEM Stake trading activity, NEM Stake Scam, Logo Design update, NEM Marketing Guide

[url=]NEM Newsletter #3 -  29, July, 2014
Topics: JADA Meeting, Latest Developments, Logo design voting, NEM stakes have started to be issued again, Call for more developers,
Our Movement

[url=]NEM Newsletter #4 -  12, August, 2014
Topics: Plans for the release of the final development contract, Development progress, Final logo design is decided on, Poloniex to list NEM upon launch, Stake distribution ahead, Gold & silver coin crowd sale

[url=]NEM Newsletter #5 -  9, September, 2014
Topics: Alpha Release 0.2.9, AltNemo Crowd Sale, NCC was made open-source, NEM

Great, thanks for adding that.

Edit: Please be sure to subscribe to our newsletter here: