So Nano-wallet has no features to download a full statement for an account.
Well yr not going to compete with banks or governments without those very basic functions.
A statement of transactions is needed, from start to finish.
God knows how many will fall into trouble without this ( A LOT).
IMHO it has been neglected in 2017 because everyone was taking cash, 2018 neglected because nobody was making cash so in reality it would be very useful to garner your local investors who require statements for their yearly declarations, not to mention businesses that have only one person in accounts and do not really want to manually cut and past every key in the chain into a readable document,it could take days, weeks.
If there was a project of coders that could streamline this then I would definitely vote for it.
It is no use building a car without a maintenance schedule.
BTW, Nano - wallet was one of the reasons I turned to Nem, the guys that made this really did their homework.
I believe that it can grow and become much more.