The third announcement (regretfully postponed)

The third announcement was scheduled to be made today, but with deep regret we have to postpone the announcement due to unforeseen circumstances not related to the core team. We will make the announcement as soon as possible. I'm sure there will not be too much of a delay, so sit tight and stay tuned for updates. It will certainly be worth the wait.

I've been really anxious on this third big announcement. Hahahah

I've been really anxious on this third big announcement. Hahahah

Great things are on their way :)

We just want to save some things closer to the launch.

I am still anxious lol [emoji16]

Android tapatalk =)

Is the delay of the 3rd announcement due to the delay of the launch, related to it or not related at all?

Delay of announcement is nothing to do with delay of launch… Unrelated.

Sorry for the delay. For the announcement to be ready I still need a reconfirmation from someone. I have contacted the person but did not receive an answer until now. As soon as I'll have it I'll make the announcement.

sounds good