To all who are concerned, and to the NEM Core Team.
I would like to make a suggestion.
Is it possible to pick up the bounty program? The former Foundation had a bounty program for video contributions, blog posts, and meet-ups. There were a few guidelines that can be adopted.
I am aware that some people think that there is no need for a reward. But I think that it is worthwhile to create motivation. A set annual budget. The works according to fixed procurement rules. That is, to be precise, a decentralized advertising measure. If no participants apply, or if no material matching the criteria is submitted. The budget provided for this remains untouched.
I know that there were, for example, in the technical field, even without incentive, countable successes. But I think that such a program would be interesting again, and generate positive contributions.
Thank you.
P.S. maybe 1million XEM as the initial budget for the year 2019.