Transfer my XEM from CoinSpot to NanoWallet, funds have not arrived? [SOLVED]

Hi Guys,
this is only the 2nd time I’ve sent XEM to my wallet (OSX Desktop).
First time worked fine to my personal account. Then I created a 2nd account for my company and tried to repeat the process, both from CoinSpot, but the 2nd transaction is not appearing in my wallet. On CoinSpot it says the transaction is complete and the balance is 0.
Not sure what to do next?
Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Do you have a transaction hash ?

I can’t find any reference to a transaction hash or even a transaction ID at the CoinSpot site, and I have asked their support site to provide me the details to track etc, but nothing yet. When I review the transactions for my wallet, it simply shows that the transaction is complete, nothing else? Is there a way we can check against the wallet address -> NCJBZJCSXY5EJUSMAFWU73I2FP5JV4FONHTQ6KOX


That address does not look like it has ever received XEM.

I am not familiar with coinspot. Have the responded to a ticket?

I’m also having the same problem. I wonder if the nanowallet account needs some sort of activation before receiving XEM. I transferred 100 XEM from the EOBOT to my wallet and it never arrived. I did not use message or anything. Follow the wallet


same here… transfer from coinspot to nanowallet doesnt show any xem in wallet
but if I buy from changelly in the nanowallet, it worked
so something to do with sending money to nanowallet from an exchange

CoinSpot have advised that because I had something in the message field it caused an error and they have reversed the transaction so it’s back in my wallet now - though no explanation as to why it didn’t notify me there was an error or why their interface was saying my transaction was complete??? That’s completely dodgy to me! But at least it appears fixed for now.

Hi PoppyDaisy,

Did you manage to successfully send your XEM from Coinspot to a wallet without a message? I’m in the same situation as you were - missing XEM from Coinspot

In some exchanges such as Bittrex, we adopt the specification that we do not send remittance to NEM addresses that do not have publke key.

NEM itself does not have such a specification.
It is considered that the exchanges and others are adopting to prevent mistransmission to the last.

Common to the address written in this thread is that you do not have a public key.

As a possibility, it is possible that Coinspot is doing such restrictions.
Whether Coinspot’s support knows that is another problem.

If this is the reason, you need to generate a public key.
Generation method is good so once, it is to do remittance processing from Wallet.

The easiest way now is to remit 0XEM from your own wallet to your address. A fee of 1 XEM will be charged for this process.


Yes @rockb82, I’ve now completed the transfer, all good.