Trezor, Ledger, Keepkey ... for NEM?

Hi Nembers,

I was about to order a Ledger Nano S for myself to protect my few BTCs and ETHs…

But as the world (incl. me) is moving towards NEM I don’t know which crypto-gadget is most future-compatible or NEM implementation already being worked on.

Any advice?
Or wise words why such device is not needed at all? Lightwallet/Brainwallets/Paperwallets good enough?

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Unfortunately there are so many ways to do this.

A pretty secure way would look something like this.

  • Create a few paperwallets and store them at different safe places for example at your parents / bank vault / etc.
  • Create an encrypted container on an USB stick and store the wallet file .wlt and the address book there
  • When you need to do something NEM / crypto related then do it on a virtual linux machine
  • The virtual machine file should also be located within an encrypted container file located on an USB stick
  • Use as password manager like KeePass to store your passwords
  • For everything else use a regular PC / laptop

Well it might be an overkill … it’s just a suggestion.

Keep in mind NEM will evolve and it’s value will rise which means you should have a tight security plan on how to handle your wallet private key passwords etc.

Maybe others will join and suggest something else / better / more efficient. :wink:

p.s. the above is not perfect but a start :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Trezor added Ethereum and Dash support recently. Are there any plans to get NEM support for trezor? I think this would be a great feature, not only regarding to security. It would draw some further attention to NEM and maybe bring some larger investors on board, which are concerned about the security of their coins.

I’m pretty sure trezor is open source, so anyone can add xem to trezor. I’m not sure the effort required, but this may be a good addition to our bounty program

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trezor is open source. Last time I checked, I thought it would be nice to implement the C++ part so that the Trezor devices could sign NEM transactions too, but that might end up in being too complicated for a first use case.

So, for the first I’m thinking maybe the Trezor Connect API could be used in the NanoWallet. Seems to be quite an easy implementation to do:

I may have a look into this in my spare time as it is also something that will teach me more about NEM accounts and wallets.


that would be fantastic if you could implement that :smiley:

II want to buy a Trezor, but without the NEM (XEM) function it is pointless, please add. PLS !!!

This might be of help.

Whoever interested in a HW WALLET SUPPORT for NEM-XEM please go here and send your “vote”. Thank you.

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I just received an email from Ledger Support. NEM / XEM is not on their To-Do List yet.
But I guess its just a matter of time. When NEM really catches on, they will support it :wink:

Hi Jacob,
I am already in contact with them. A NEM developer would need to get into contact with their dev support team to get the job done. We plan to open a NEM bounty for the integration programming job.
However - you’re right. It’s not on their internal To-Do yet!


Don’t know much about KeepKey, but I’d say Trezor or Ledger definitely. Both are great.

Trezor integration should be up&running within weeks from now. One community member (@saleemrashid) did the hard work of integration programming and received good claps from the Trezor team already!
They’re working on integrating his code into the next Trezor Firmware upgrade.

Re. Ledgerwallet - I had conversed with the Frenchmen who create them early 2017. They offered an integration price which NEM’s higher rungs didn’t agree to pay when I proposed it… NEM decided to let community members do the programming. Now we’ll see the fruits with Trezor soon!

New Trezor wallet unveiled with NEM support.
