VERY DIFFICULT NEM WALLET TO USE, Need to transfer NEM from Poloniex to wallet

Just downloaded this wallet and there are ‘errors’ everywhere. I cant even OPEN The wallet without having to go into the zip files and the folders and look for a logo exe as there is no start. when trying to click on the logo exe errors come up.

Finally inside after many tries I cant recieve any NEM there is no receive button , there is no public address there is only the main address and it does not work with Poloniex

Thank you

If you have windows version you have NanoWallet.exe. If you have universal client version (starts in browser) you have start.html
First you should extract zip file and net run NanoWallet.exe/start.html

There is no receive tab. Your address is available when you click Account in top navigation.

This did not answer my question. It is obvious there is no receive tab I SAID THAT in my post. I also said there is the main address in my post…

you did not even answer the question. This wallet is awful and not trustworthy. I cant use it with Poloniex there is no public address. I told you there was no start it was exe and that ’ that button’ is corrupt and will NOT open the program.

I need a step by step guide how to receive NEM from Poloniex into my wallet. Something CLEAR and people can understand . This wallet is full of confusion and difficulties

Nanowallet is one of simpliest cryptocurrency wallets I ever seen but OK step by step.
Received tab was removed and address is where I told you (below step by step tutorial). It would be helpful if you give me wallet version. As I understand you use version 2.1.2

  1. Open your nanowallet and login into it (I’m assuming you are able do this already).
  2. Click Account in top right corner


  1. Copy address using copy button:


  1. I don’t have Poloniex account so I will show you screenshot from Bittrex but it should be straightforward and pretty same.

a) Choose quantity you want withdraw.
b) Copy address into address input
c) Because you sending to nanowallet you can leave message empty

Let me know if you have still problems.

Thank you for taking the time to put it down step by step. The issue is there is NO public key in a new account and many exchanges want a public key. I have sent them an email earlier today

There is no need to have public key to withdraw from Poloniex as far as I know. From where have you such information?
If you are really concern I can send you small amount and you will send me back. After that your public key will be visible in network.
Just give me your public address (here or in private message)

Thank you for your kindness I am going to try and make a transfer again…using a very small amount. I think I may have needed a public key to put in the space marked message. But I have never used a message before just used public keys. I think to leave the message blank I guess and just put the address into the first line. I am going to try again. I appreciate your help

I have only used GDAX and from there I went to an offline wallet and from there I went to Poloniex … rather new so this is my experience each asked for ’ public address.

Just leave message empty and try with small amount. Let me know.

i am trying now following your instructions

how many NEM would you recommend sending?
it says the fee is 15.000000 I dont know how to figure that out I have plenty of them what would you suggest as a test

Just use minimal amount. I don’t know what is minimal withdraw for Poloniex.
You can try 5 XEM and if it’s to low (should be some message) then try 10, 15, 20, 25. 25 for sure is OK because I can see 25 XEM withdraw in blockchain.

okay will try 10 becus I dont know all the fees and wanted to make sure I sent enough

that didnt work… it said it must be ‘a least’ 15.00000000 I guess to cover the fee

will try 25

If losing 15 XEM Poloniex withdraw fee because of this test withdraw is not problem for you, you can withdraw 25 XEM.

Switch to Binance or Bittrex. Polonix is robbing people blind with the fees they charge for withdrawals

This was solved (received info in private message). And yes, Poloniex was very slow support and they took 15 XEM for withdraw which is to much.

Yes I have since made 2 additional deposits much higher and so the 15xem was not as bad. Thank you for your help. I am studying all the different capabilities that we have here… like namespaces and harvest…