VERY DIFFICULT NEM WALLET TO USE, Need to transfer NEM from Poloniex to wallet

Thank you for your kindness I am going to try and make a transfer again…using a very small amount. I think I may have needed a public key to put in the space marked message. But I have never used a message before just used public keys. I think to leave the message blank I guess and just put the address into the first line. I am going to try again. I appreciate your help

I have only used GDAX and from there I went to an offline wallet and from there I went to Poloniex … rather new so this is my experience each asked for ’ public address.

Just leave message empty and try with small amount. Let me know.

i am trying now following your instructions

how many NEM would you recommend sending?
it says the fee is 15.000000 I dont know how to figure that out I have plenty of them what would you suggest as a test

Just use minimal amount. I don’t know what is minimal withdraw for Poloniex.
You can try 5 XEM and if it’s to low (should be some message) then try 10, 15, 20, 25. 25 for sure is OK because I can see 25 XEM withdraw in blockchain.

okay will try 10 becus I dont know all the fees and wanted to make sure I sent enough

that didnt work… it said it must be ‘a least’ 15.00000000 I guess to cover the fee

will try 25

If losing 15 XEM Poloniex withdraw fee because of this test withdraw is not problem for you, you can withdraw 25 XEM.

Switch to Binance or Bittrex. Polonix is robbing people blind with the fees they charge for withdrawals

This was solved (received info in private message). And yes, Poloniex was very slow support and they took 15 XEM for withdraw which is to much.

Yes I have since made 2 additional deposits much higher and so the 15xem was not as bad. Thank you for your help. I am studying all the different capabilities that we have here… like namespaces and harvest…

Please also make sure you have private key backup in safe place.

You can test namespace and mosaics on testnet wallet. Just create testnet network wallet (address start with T) and ask here:

For test XEM.

This system is difficult to understand and use. Its not an easy wallet. I dont know what you are talking about in this previous post it makes no sense to me at all.

I went to the harvest account and tried to activate that and paid for the fee then I figured out after going all over YOU TUBE that there is something called vesting …you have to wait for it.

SO I paid for it anyway. This is just difficult to figure out as I said ’ not user friendly’ but eventually I hope to learn it.

not sure how to do test wallet I dont understand your post. Anyway I dont want to get ahead of myself… I cant figure out what the use is for these namespaces. why pay for it if I dont see any use for it… I saw a ’ graph’ of how the namespace creates subdomains ’ I get that’ but I dont know ’ what to put into these spaces… or how to do anything with it

  1. Testnet wallet.
    There is seperate test network where you can learn how use your wallet.
    To create wallet in this network just change to Testnet Network when creating new wallet.


Test wallet allows you test what you can do with wallet using free “test” XEM. I can send you some if you decide to create testnet wallet.

  1. Harvesting. If you want run your harvesting you must have over 10 000 XEM Vested balance.
    Your actual vested balance can be checked in Account (top right corner) -> Vested balance.
    Good video about harvesting:

  2. Namespaces. If you don’t want create your own token on NEM platform probably you don’t need it.

  3. Very important is make backup of your private key/wlt file:

Thank you I appreciate it . Some of the problem I was having researching information on the website is that it would give a brief description and then have embedded links to ’ papers or videos’ to watch or read … BUT THESE LINKS ARE DEAD AND GO NOWHERE. So not useful. NEM seems to be a bit sloppy… and needs to be ’ tweaked up’ .
I found a videos on You tube by ’ other people’ that told me about the vested part… as I thought I just deposited 10K XEM.s apparently you have to wait 90 days or something . ITs fine I am not moving the money anywhere.

When you say ’ create our own token’ can we do this? You can do this on WAVES I read about them and you can go onto their platform and easily create your own token. Is that what you mean? I thought the namespace was to ’ hold information’ I looked at the example of someone holding silver… but what are they actually holding? some information about how much silver they have on some kind of ‘document’ ? I mean the idea of a namespace to hold information sounds interesting I am just needing to find a video on it …the NEM website doesnt offer any real clarity just the ’ diagram’ of the different subdomains. I will keep looking for some video that gives me various options.

Also I see that on the dropdown link there is Mijin… this is the privacy network I head about on ’ someone elses you tube video review’ they say this Mijin is private while Nem is public but what about XEM??? Can XEM switch back and forth from public to private depending on what you want to use it for?

Thank you

Harvesting calculator can be found here:

Create own token (if you need) tutorial can be found here:

Yes. Mijin is private network. There is option on select list but you can’t choose it for public wallet as far as I remember. It’s only for private Mijin wallet.

Thank you much appreciated