Wallet error message

Hi  I recently updated my PC to Windows 10.

I backed up my wallet, and adb file, and pasted them back into the c:/users/name/nem/ncc folder

  I have now installed the newest Nem version, but get this error message when I enter my password - 'oops! Error 103  NIS: wallet could not be read'

I tried again, this time without the adb file, but then I get an address file is missing error.

Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?

Completely stuck, and would appreciate some help!

hmm…i don't have windows 10 so it is hard for me to check if there are problems with it.
Anybody out there who can test the issue with windows 10?

OK  following the directions on the nem.io blog.

I uninstalled/reinstalled Nem, this time I created a new wallet.

Then I 'added an existing account'  using my saved private key and nem password.


My saved password I am using is 100 percent correct.  I have tried copying and pasting it, and also entered it manually but no luck.

I doubt this is a Windows 10 problem, though if it is, I would appreciate someone telling me

OK  following the directions on the nem.io blog.

I uninstalled/reinstalled Nem, this time I created a new wallet.

Then I 'added an existing account'  using my saved private key and nem password.


My saved password I am using is 100 percent correct.  I have tried copying and pasting it, and also entered it manually but no luck.

I doubt this is a Windows 10 problem, though if it is, I would appreciate someone telling me

Yeah, I don't think this is a Win 10 issue either.
How did you save the password ? Are you pasting it from somewhere other than notepad ? Any spaces in there ?
Is it possible the files you copied are corrupted ? Did you copy them while the software was still running ?

Hi thank you for replying

I saved my password to a notepad file (several times)

I have been using this same password with lots of characters, for numerous logins, with no problems until now.

Also checked no spaces were being added etc.

However - I did backup my last wallet file with the software running, - I wasn't aware this might be a problem?

That said, I have numerous wallet backups saved.

Could someone please direct me to a reinstall guide, just to make sure I am not missing anything

Hi thank you for replying

I saved my password to a notepad file (several times)

I have been using this same password with lots of characters, for numerous logins, with no problems until now.

Also checked no spaces were being added etc.

However - I did backup my last wallet file with the software running, - I wasn't aware this might be a problem?

That said, I have numerous wallet backups saved.

Could someone please direct me to a reinstall guide, just to make sure I am not missing anything


Thanks.  I removed all traces of Nem, following those directions, then reinstalled it.

I didn't transfer any old wallets this time

Next I 'added an existing account' and pasted my private key.  This then showed my Nem wallet including my Nems.

Now when I try to start 'Delegated Harvesting' I get an 'Oops Error 306 Nis:Unexpected Error' message, and I cannot proceed.

I even tried changing my wallet password, in case that was the problem, but I still get that message.

So - I have a 'Nis is running fully synchronized' and NCC also in my taskbar.

I can see all my nems, but I am unable to harvest due to error 306

I have spent ages trying to fix this, does anyone know why this is happening?

Many thanks

I have never heard of an "Unexpected Error" when trying to start harvesting. That's like on of the few things where the errors are usually well defined.

I'll we'll need logs. They should reside in the same directory (ish) where you wallet is. Could you compress and upload them somwehere ?

Hi  ok here is a link to the nis logs - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jeombglhocmc9jm/AABKrj3pBldhY-1wLBbVIHLda?dl=0

I am off to work now, so will try again later.

Thanks for the help - I appreciate it!

ok not sure if you will be able to access those files.  If not I will try again later

The ncc log does not contain any unexpected error 306. Are you sure you provided the correct log?

hi  I uploaded the nis and ncc logs from my c/users/name/nem/ncc  and nis folders

I re uploaded them, plus a screenshot for you to see the error message  - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t1yhv61q7rw56ew/AAD1yfGs7GMD5s-HPc19iCBpa?dl=0

So it allows me to login the Nem client with my saved password.

But wont allow me to harvest using the same (frequently used) pw.  I just get that error message, and cannot proceed

I am away for a couple of days, so I will come back on here on Thursday


I think i found the problem ^^
You had delegated harvesting active and then created a new wallet. That mean a new (for NIS unknown) delegated account was created. When you try to start harvesting, NIS doesn't know about the account:

2015-08-10 17:26:23.066 INFO entering /account/unlock [] (org.nem.nis.controller.interceptors.AuditInterceptor preHandle)
2015-08-10 17:26:23.073 INFO Http Status Code 400: FAILURE_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT (org.nem.core.connect.ErrorResponse <init>)
2015-08-10 17:26:23.073 INFO exiting /account/unlock [] (org.nem.nis.controller.interceptors.AuditInterceptor afterCompletion)

You need to deactivate delegate harvesting and then, 6 hours later, activate it again.
Then it should work.

Back now. 

I will try that overnight - thanks  :slight_smile:

[font=verdana]It works now![/font]
It is working now!

Still not sure why it didn't like my original password (I had to get in by 'adding an existing account')

Anyway thanks again for the help!