I am trying to get the Windows Installer to run on a Windows pc with only 1GB RAM.
The Standalone Client allows me to limit the RAM for NIS, is this also possible with the Windows Installer?
Are there any option flags that can be used in the Launch NEM Wallet shortcut? Something like: "C:\Program Files\nemwallet\wallet.exe -m768M"
I don't think that is possible with the installer version. Why not use the standalone version?
Yes, the standalone version works, but I was thinking how a regular person might use it.
In the future, a special wallet.exe build that limits NIS memory to 768MB would make it easier for
average users to run a NEM node on a low-end pc or cheap vps host.
When launching the wallet my 1GB ram usage is close to 99% with NIS & NCC running and I am
unable to right-click the NEM icon in the taskbar to Stop NCC.
To free up a bit more memory, is there an api method of only stopping the NCC?
When I use it will stop NIS.
The api request for stopping NCC is
I think anyone running NIS on a cheap vps is smart enough to use the standalone version. Usually you don't want to run NCC on a vps.
Nowadays even lowend pcs should have enough RAM to let NIS run with 1GB. Again, if this is not the case the standalone should be used. I don't think it is planned to support different RAM setting for the installer version.
Free RAM is wasted RAM