I was able to open a new simple wallet on my desktop and transfer my NEM to it, then saw your Trezor wallet info via Twitter, followed the instructions and now I am not able to find my original wallet to send my NEM to my Trezor linked NEM wallet. Please help.
Did you import your first wallet into the trezor enabled nanowallet?
Also, did you try switching addresses when logged in by selecting the account tab?
No I didn’t import, I followed the instructions (or attempted to) and no I
did not try switching addresses. Should I just trash all my nano wallet
downloads? I have both my original address and passwords and private key,
just can’t seem to pull up my original account. Every time I try to it goes
straight to an empty different Trezor address/account. Is there any site I
can just plug in my original address and see my XEM there? Once I find the
original Nem account and my XEM then I would be happy to try to figure out
how to load them onto my Trezor.
Appreciate your help.
Happy New Year
I am not quite sure what you mean when you say you can not see your original account. If you download the OS specific download, it does not have Trezor support. This way you can import your original wallet file, and the new trezor accounts won’t get in the way.
Hi Saul,
I know you know what you are doing, I on the other hand don’t have a clue.
What OS specific download? Is there a page I go to or web address that I
can just put in my address and/or info and see/recover my NEM? everytime I
try to login there is a Trezor address and no ability to highlight “simple
wallet” and my password etc… is there anything you can do to help?
So have you wallet on Trezor? You should be able login into it using Trezor (Login with Trezor button). You can’t do this?
Trezor only works on the universal client. The other nano wallets available for download are OS specific such as the Windows and Mac ones.
The universal client also only opens in a browser whereas the OS specific ones open alone.
Either you were using the universal client all along, or you’re not opening your OS specific one. Either way, if you have your private key and don’t have your old nano wallet then create a new private key wallet with the OS specific one and then send to the Trezor address.
You can’t import anything into the Trezor as far as I know. You have to send to it.
yes I have a Trezor, I had a NEM Wallet before you guys advertised about
the Trezor capibility so I opened up a Trezor NEM wallet, now it has a
different address and is empty (of course because it hasn’t had me move my
NEM into it). MY problem is, and I do believe I explained all of this in my
first requests for assistance is that I am not able to find my original NEM
wallet with my NEM in it, everytime I try to login it doesn’t offer my
Simple Wallet option, I really need your assistance on how to locate my
account. NOT ON THE TREZOR. PLEASE PLEASE guide me on how to go about this.
I was using my non apple laptop and google chrome to set up my initial NEM
wallet then also to access it and download with my Trezor. Isn’t there some
sort of web address I can go to and login that does not have Trezor links?
Thanks for your help, feeling pretty stupid. I would like to eventually
find my NEM and move it to a secure Trezor linked wallet.
Ok. So trezor wallet was always empty.
You should have wlt file or private key backup for your old wallet. Have you?
Search disk for all .wlt files.
Already answered this.
yes i have access to that info, just not for the next week.
i need to know where to go to put that info in.
When you are not logged in on login view you should have ‘import wallet’ option where you can import your wlt file.
Please give me the address to go to
confuses the crap out of me, I just want some login page/address
Nem don’t have any official online wallet. You must download nanowallet from nem.io/downloads. You should know that if you create before wallet…
Without wlt file which contains your encrypted using password private key or plain text private key you can’t restore access to wallet.
I have all that, so do I trash the downloads I have since there seems to be
issues since I downloaded again after your Trezor notification came out so
I can try to access my NEM?
As I have written above. You can access to old account if you have wlt file or private key.
You can try something like this:
- download from nem.io/downloads same type of installation which you have before. If you had univeral client get universal client if standalone version then get standalone.
- Unzip and run. Check if in select box you have your old wallet. Sometimes it stays in cache.
If there will be not your old wallet try again search entire disk for files with wlt extension. If they will be not such files your funds are lost probably because you don’t have private key.
Last chancr would be try recover data from disk but I’m not specialist in this topic.
I appreciate your help so much. I am on holiday, when I get back I will try
your suggestions. I would like to try on my other laptop, try to access it
from there. Say I would have lost this laptop. Certainly I would be able to
recover my wallet with all the password, address and private info that I do
have a copy of.?.?? I just can’t go that path until I return as my
necessary info is secured elsewhere.
Let’s say for instance, I wanted to check my Bitcoin, I would go to the
Bitcoin.io website and plugin my address, it would show how many where
there (or not) I would just put in the address, no passwords, no private
keys. What I am trying to ask in part is, Is there somewhere I can see my
NEM on my first Non-Trezor address? As well as see my Trezor NEM address
with 0 balance?
If one loses there laptop, computer or smart phone, which ever device they
made their wallet, are they totally shit out of luck??? Never to retrieve
their NEM?
Like I said, I have two addressess, the first with all the privacy info and
passwords on a SIMPLE WALLET, then I followed the instructions to set up my
Trezor wallet put ended up with a seperate Trezor linked NEM wallet.
Please advise.
If you lose private key to bitcoin you can’t also do nothing with your funds. You can see every address in bitcoin network but you can move funds.
Same is in NEM. You can see all addresses balance here - explorer.ournem.com but without access to private key you can’t move your funds.
That’s why first rule of crypto is do private key backup.
So you must look for your wlt file.
Thank you
like I have said numerous times, I have my private key