What is the relationship between XEM and mijin?

In “An In-depth Guide to NEM” on the reddit forum the intro to Mijin states

“Mijin is the private blockchain solution developed by Tech Bureau. Mijin can be used by companies that want their own blockchain solution to improve their existing businesses. Transactions across private chains (Mijin) require the use of the public blockchain and XEM. Any customers paying for products or services from companies that are using Mijin pay with XEM from the public chain and the transaction would be recorded on both public and private (Mijin) blockchains. Mijin uses the NEM blockchain technology and therefore, XEM.”

Yet I’ve read in other places/forums that the relationship between mijin and XEM are not clearly defined and that use of Mijin chains may not necessarily require use of XEM. Can someone clarify the relationship between mijin and XEM? Also, to the extent that the above is true and mijin apps do also get recorded on NEM and require XEM to run, is there anything that would stop mijin from migrating to a new blockchain in the future? In other words, what are the benefits of holding XEM as it relates to Mijin and is an investment in XEM also an investment in Mijin? How are they related when it comes to the price is XEM

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I think these 2 things are what you really want to know:
Yes, people can and do use mijin without any sort of connection to nem. Mijin is, as of right now, the private version of nem and shares no records or blocks or chains with nem and it’s public chain.


Mijin and nem share the exact same API. Any business adopting mijin can switch to nem without any sort of recoding. So if a business decides to not want to pay anymore to be running mijin, it can just use the public version, nem, and it wouldn’t cost them a day to do that.
Mijin is being developbed by TechBureau and the devs are the original nem developers. This means that fulltime employed developers are working on mijin and nem and it’s basically being paid for by TechBureau. Everything TB develops will be integrated into nem (where it makes sense of course).
Last and probably most importantly. If you watch the latest video you’ll see that with Catapult we may be seeing private mijin chains being conected via the public nem chains at which point they will be recorded on the nem chain, they will need to pay fees and that will drive price, adoption and utilization.

All in all, it isn’t wrong to say that the exact way in which nem profits from mijin hasn’t been 100% clear to everyone. I do however see big potential in private chains being interconnected via the public chain and I also think that having full time developers, paid for by a company, located in one of THE most crypto friendly places on the planet is also a really comforting thing to have. They won’t run off, they won’t just stop. And if they do, TB will hire someone else.

Excuse my spelling, I was carrying somethiing heavy and my hands are shaking :confused:


Thank you. Makes sense and I appreciate you taking the time to share

Mijin does not use Nem however if Mijin needs to communicate over the public chain then it will need Nem/xem to do so.
To me I can see what you are saying, yet I guess to force private business into operating one way only might not be the best idea as they lose freedom.
Once again the technology will have to speak for itself.
But yes its well over my head, I am just trying to get a take on it myself.

Hi Memario,

Great response.

If a company opted for the Mijin network, how many nodes would they need to create/buy to run a reasonable chain?