What is the value proposition for nem?

So, I’ve recently become interested in nem and I’m evaluating it’s pros and cons. One thing that I can’t quite put my finger on is this, what is the long term value proposition of nem?

I like that nem is backed by a seemingly successful company with large clients in fintech. I like that nem and it’s companies and projects seem to be creating valuable features for those companies. I also like that there seems to be a very supportive community here.

However, one thing that strikes me as strange is that catapult is being developed externally from nem. Not strange, from Tech Bureau’s perspective, really. I believe I understand why Tech Bureau would do this. It makes me wonder though, is nem just a proof of concept? If so, will there come a point in time where Tech Bureau will decide to stand solely on it’s proprietary platforms? At which point, will they withdraw their support for open source nem? If so, where does that leave the nem community members and their investment of time and money?

To be clear, I’m not saying any of this is wrong. I’m just trying to figure out, with what regard should I hold nem?

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