Why i don't have any receive button?!

why i don’t have any receive button?! i past i had receive button always.
one picture that have receive button is from my friend wallet.

Receive tab was removed because it was confusing to users :slight_smile:
Your address can be found when you click Account in top navigation.

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The Recieve function has become a new Invoce function in Service.
It is available from the latest version of NanoWallet Ver 2.1.2.


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@mizunashi oo nice :slight_smile: Thank you for info Rin !

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@mizunashi is there a consensus on what is the best version to use. Is the most recent version the best to use even if has some of the features disabled? You often see references to go back to older versions of the wallet.

I strongly recommend the latest version.
Older versions, bug fixes, etc. are not done.
