Wrong wallet address

Hi, I sent some XEM from my Kucoin acct. to my XEM wallet, but I sent it to the wallet acct. # and not the receiving address.
The txid is: 611bea31112b6e74772e52c4ab82d2128bf4b4278153a62ff82125c4894a5e32

The correct wallet address is:

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

You have sent to NC5J6JCMYBHYRYV6ECJKOCU6EG3ULLK5GDSL4ADI (https://explorer.nemtool.com/#/s_account?account=NC5J6JCMYBHYRYV6ECJKOCU6EG3ULLK5GDSL4ADI).
Who is owner of this address? Only owner can move funds.