XEM for Liberland!

They are trying to create a new country, dont know if you have heard. They want to call it Liberland close to Czech Republic and Croatia.

They hate the usual sort of set up that countries have…they want this country to be different…

Lets suggest to them to use XEM for their currency…why not ? …its maybe exactly what they are looking for. Forget Nem Village, what about Nem Country ?

I have set up a Facebook group where we can promote our currency and answer questions from hundreds of thousands of potential Liberland citizens.

Lets get Nemsters on there and do their stuff  ?

There is already a thread: https://forum.ournem.com/general-discussion/liberland/msg16564/#msg16564

There is already a thread: https://forum.ournem.com/general-discussion/liberland/msg16564/#msg16564

Sorry Rigel , I didnt see it. Your suggestion was a great one.
Anyway , now there are 2 posts on the subject.
What I cant believe is the complete lack of enthusiasm from all Nemsters......maybe its the anonymity thing but there are very few signing up to our group to inform Liberlanders. Their website is flooded with interest.....a great opportunity for publicity and no answer was the loud reply from this forum.
