XEM recovery without password. [SOLVED]

Hi there, probably a noob question but I didn’t see it exactly back in the channel.
I’ve got myself an simple wallet, for staking NEM.

I don’t think I ever actually stacked, but by loosing my phone I also lost my password of my simple wallet
I still have my privatekey and wlt-file. Only forgot my password.
I’ve read that you can’t reset your password and that the wtl file is useless without the password.

Because of that, I created a private key wallet.
(So now I have the option to log in into two different wallets).

However, I don’t see any XEM on my privatekey accoint.
Do you know what I do wrong?

Wlt file (containing private key) can be bruteforced if password is weak.
If you have your private key you can simple import it into nano wallet. Did you try?

  1. Download nano wallet -> https://github.com/NemProject/NanoWallet/releases/download/1.4.13/NanoWallet-1.4.13.zip
  2. Unzip and open nano wallet
  3. Choose Sign UP
  4. Choose “Private Key Wallet” Tab
  5. In field private key put your private key. Fill also wallet name and password protecting new wallet file.
  6. Open wallet and check balance.

Please try this :wink:

yes, because I couldn’t log in to my simple wallet, I added a private key wallet next to it.
But my XEM is not shown on this account. (the staking option in my private wallet says “inactive”, while in my simple wallet it was “active”)

(thanks so far for your help btw)

What do you have from your old wallet (containing XEMs)? Only .wlt file without password or maybe also .adb file (if this is backup from NCC)?
What kind of wallet did you use for it? NCC or another mobile wallet?

I only have the wlt.file, no password

I don’t think I ever properly installed the wallet on my computer. (lapop)
Everytime I had to download the rar-file from the NEM websit, to get in to my wallet.

It says nanowallet, I guess,

(This happens if noobs start to use this stuff, sorry for this)

I just picked up an old paper and just see my old password.
It seems I also wrote it down, lucky me!

thanks once again for your help, but I’m in!

Will close the tread.

hehe. Glad you have your password :wink:
After you load .wlt file using password please do also backup your private key !
To backup from nano wallet (when already logged into wallet):

  • Click “Account” in right top corner
  • In section “Private Key” enter password from your wallet
  • The private key should show. Backup it in safe and secure place !