XEM to My Ether Walet [SOLVED]

I sent some XEM from Poloniex to my MEW.
What should be the Address and Decimal?
The Poloniex addess and decimal 18 don’t work.

Did you sell XEM in Poloniex and purchased ETH?
Since Ploniex is not an exchange office but an exchanger, you need to make a transaction that changes to ETH before sending ETH from Poloniex.


Thank you for answering.
No, I sold BTc, bought XEM then sent XEM to MyEtherWallet.
Tried to add custom token in MEW but I don’t know the correct address nor
the decimal ?

I can hardly speak English, so I respond with Google translation.
Please understand that there may be cases in which it is not complete exchange in English.

I imagine that MyEtherWallet is an ETH wallet, but is there a function to deposit XEM?

The Token created by NEM is currently not dealt with exchanges with NEM.

If you want purely XEM, you need to install NanoWallet Software.

There are wallets dedicated to that currency and wallets corresponding to a lot of currencies in the world. I do not know if that MyEtherWallet is compatible with NEM.


The translation works just fine. Thank you.

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MyEtherWallet is in no way compatible with NEM.

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