XEM Trading Bot For Poloniex - Beta

As per a community members request, I developed a bot for purchasing small amounts of xem regularly over time. As i dont think its fair to provide only one person in the community with such a bot, i decided to update the bot to allow for both buying and selling of xem and release it to the community.

The bot is quite simple in its usage. In the configuration file, you enter your Poloniex API keys (i will go into details on this briefly), tell it how much you want to sell, the time intervals in which you wish to place orders of that size, the maximum depth at which you are willing to sell, and set it running and it will trade on your behalf until you turn it off.

The amount you wish to trade at a time and the time interval are taken as min and max values, and a value is chosen at random somewhere between the given values. The less like a bot you want it to look, the wider the range of values you should provide. If you have a desired amount you wish to buy or sell per day, assume the average of the values is what will happen, though it is of course not going to be 100% accurate. This will help prevent people from figuring out or predicting the bot.

The code can be found on GitHub or if you trust me and dont want the hassle of building the code yourself you can download the bot pre-built here.

Once you have done that you will need to create a set of API keys. You can do this by first signing into your Poloniex account. In the top right banner where you will find the drop down menus “Balances” and “Orders”, there is a drop down with a tool icon to the right of these. In the tools drop down menu you will want to select the “API keys” option. Go to create new key, and you can set the permissions for the key. For this bot it is advisable to set it to allow only trading, and disallow withdrawals for security reasons.

The short nem-address-like key is your “public key” while the much longer key is your “secret key”. Do not give or expose your secret key to anyone. Take these keys and enter them into the bot configuration file TradingBot.config.exe in their respective fields. You can update the other values while here too if you wish. All Xem value fields are in whole xem, and time value fields are in seconds.

Once you have done this you should be ready to begin trading by running the TradingBot.exe file. To stop trading, just close the console window.

To build the bot yourself, you will need two things:

  1. the source files from GitHub, go to “clone or download” and select download zip file.

  2. visual studio

note: ill do a project agnostic guide separately soon on how to build a visual studio project and include it here. I will also add a simple GUI and ability to trade any other coins on if it is requested. If you have any other improvement suggestions please don’t hesitate to let me know and ill do my best to make the improvement.

DISCLAIMER: This bot is not intended to earn you more xem or bitcoin, or to make returns on trades or provide any kind of trading strategy. I take no responsibility for any loss that may be incurred through use of this bot. It is provided as is and the user assumes all risk and responsibility. No guarantees are given on its security or function. Use at your own risk.