XEM wallet maintance on yobit [MOVED]

Hi i have the same problem i send 1903 XEM from Poloniex to Yobit about 5days ago when wallet was on maintance, but today they make XEM wallet online, but i not recived my 1903 XEM, please help and do something with YOBIT. I maked about 10tickets but they answering like bot “all xem are on your wallets if not make a new ticket” i make againe about 5 tickets but they dont answering. How long we will waiting???we lost aour money and this is bad to the futures of you XEM!!! Thak you
2017-12-09 17:53:51
Txid: 206096ead8a17591ad297956e80e1237a6de143024781832491a8045fcec0505

A post was merged into an existing topic: Xem wallet maintenance on yobit

Please continue in yobit problems thread