XEM withdrawal form bittrex to binance

Hi people,

i have send my 896 xem from bittrex to binance.
but i still didn’t receive anything

i don’

t know what i dit wrong.

hereby my screenshot from bittrex and binance

TxID: 8db493b74f197d46dd057c772f1b60ed8f87651788be238c3d3ba6539dc5fd38

Bittrex had problems announcing XEM txs. There is multiple reports. Your tx doesn’t exists:

You have contact Bittrex support.

Same here, transaction not found on Blockchain, since 01.03.202.
Bittrex support isn’t responding!
TxID : 1b95e19aefd1273634750ebe50efb4beeb7629f2e01f8236709f274101b9c166

I am trying to contact bittrex.

Still no response…

Change the current node in your NEM Wallet, this helped me

Same for me, transaction not found on Blockchain, since 01.03.202 for a withdrawal to nanowallet.

Why change NODE if the transaction isn’t on the blockchain explorer ?

if the bttrex status is “Completed” and not in blockchain explorer than is the problem is really at bittrex.