You can thank Bankera for dumping XEM

You too Brutus… sorry, @Bankera. (minute 2:36)

What do you think about this guys?

It seemed shady before…, and I knew it why I had a change of heart minutes before going into it! :slight_smile: First trigger was their system…and customer service was as good as an Android app to answer basic questions. Honestly, because of customer service I pulled-out of buying in Bankera because unless customer service can guarantee you excelent service, how naive can you be to put thousands of USD into it? It no less than pure gambling on high stakes.

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How is this a surprise ?

They want to use the raised funds to fund their project. Well guess what, in the real world, i.e. where they are building their bank, you can’t buy shit with cryptos yet, so they had to dump. I’d expect them to have dumped considerable amounts of all cryptos they raised.

On a different not, how do we know this is their address ?

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Exactly. They raise funds in XEM, they need to spend it, not to keep it. They are just a messanger, those who sold their XEM for BNK are to blame (shame on you, how could you? … should have sold your ETH instead :wink: )

Dumping isn´t nice, but now it should endure NEM.
Why should bankera run an expense for xem, when nobody will use it ?
Better is to participate with XEM at the ICO and then buy cheaply (at a dump) on the stock market with other Cryptos, isn´t it?
You should keep thinking. For example, the rewards (less empty blocks) increase as a result of this cycle, as more transfers from the exchanges into the wallets take place again, and so on. When the blocks are filled more, it is of course a greater incentive to participate in harvesting. This means more people who use XEM …:grinning:

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I keep seeing this everywhere. There’s a lot of things to criticize about the Bankera pre-ICO but this is not one of them. Anybody claiming they “dumped XEM” did not do their research. They were 100% open about the purpose of the ICO which was to raise EUR which is required by regulation to hold in reserve for their banking services. They can not hold crypto for this reserve for obvious reasons. It was expected for them to convert (not dump) all crypto raised in the ICO to EUR ASAP to preserve exchange rate. Definitely do not invest in ICO’s you do not understand but also try not to spread FUD.

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from the transactions in the block explorer

Nobody said not to sell, but selling 3 million XEM at once it’s not a smart move.

I didn’t invest in Bankera and I bought XEM at low price when they dumped it, so I won from their move, but as Tony said, promoting Bankera with the help of Mr. Wong and then dump the price it’s just disrespectful.

I agree that they might have avoided some slippage with different strategy but they would also get criticized if they waited too long to convert and the price of XEM tanked reducing the amount of their reserve. Nobody has a crystal ball and hindsight is 20/20. The markets were tanking hard so I can understand why they might have taken that approach.

This has nothing to do with their respect towards NEM. Any true believer pays little attention to the day to day price swings of NEM and keeps focus on distant horizon…

Our goal was to raise capital for the project so we have taken risk mitigation measures to avoid NEM cryptocurrency fluctuation risk.


Yeah, most people get that. No worries :slight_smile:


YEA RIGHT . long was clueless…that’s a disrespectful assomption

If you sold your xem for bankera and not used any of the other currencies then its your fault. lol I specifically didn’t use XEM to buy bankera for this purpose,I was going to but then thought about what happened with eth. i don’t care what they do with the dash i sent them but no one is selling my baby XEM . Also many people bought new xem or used fresh money to participate anyways :slight_smile: But all in all I’m happy with bankera the project and my BNK tokens ,also the weekly payouts we have been getting and will continue to get, im happy with nems price since ive been holding and believed in the project before it got over 0.01usd …

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Their customer service was great to me, and they are the same customer service for spectrocoin and still have been great to answer all my question fast.

I didn’t invest in Bankera, I hold XEM, it’s more precious :smile:

Oh well i didnt sell my xem and been holding xem for along time, but i used fresh money for bankera. You should keep in mind we as in us pre-ico investors get paid from Bankera & Spectrocoin Weekly in eth dividends and once bankera is up will get paid in eth and Xem dividends, but ive already gotten 4payments so far and i could sell it for more xem if i want, But i guess to you that would smell to :slight_smile:

That’s a good thing you didn’t invest XEM in Bankera. I just didn’t believe in their project. Maybe I’m wrong, but I stick to my opinion.

  1. A bank for blockchain… - it’s opposite of what blockchain should be.
  2. Opening a bank… - they only got 30 million dollars. For average Joe this is a tone of money, but in bank’s world it’s like a ticket movie price.

This statements made me keep my money in other cryptos.

And things like this:

A bank for blockchain is a good thing. Yes, crypto replacing FIAT would be awesome, but it cannot be done overnight. Actually, we might never reach there. Projects like Bankera will ensure some sort of legal coexistence between FIAT and cryptocurrencies, and who knows, maybe (in the future) pave the way for the transition to crypto only…

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Hi Bankera u did announce we can choose if we want our token on ETH or NEM chain and the regulary payouts we will earn then will be paid with the native currency of the chain the token is issued on

so i can see Bankera still have a great possitive effect on NEM if all of us requests their token to be issues on NEM chain

so we get the payouts as XEM

and they infact have to buy back XEM to be able pay this if they sell now all

this ruleset was the reason i did invest with BTC

zero negative NEM marketpressure just possitive effects