Your thoughts here on this question

I have four good companies wanting me to help and work their Cryptocurrency and general blockchain integration. To all of them, I have recommended Nem and Xem. Before I take their money and commit them down this road. Are there any landmines I should be aware of on my path. Technical issues that are unforeseen by me at this point? Where is the best data to compare Nem/Xem vs any other chain and coin… I am personally sold on Nem and Xem and the ability to have mosaics. I love the speed of the system. Something all my clients are looking at too.
Any data or feedback would be great.
If I have posted in the wrong area , Please let me know.
Best Wishes

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you should join telegram Nem-

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Yes it is disappointing that there is so little traffic here at present.
I would have to agree with Stinghe_Dorian.

There is also a Nem Red Telegram channel which discusses technical issues and other things but no price speculation.
And a Nemberia (Nem Blue) Telegram channel which also sees it fair share of knowledgeable visitors, yet price speculation is allowed so it may depend on who is around in there.

Personally I always feel a forum is a great place for questions as you can always come back later and compare answers or re read/cross reference them.
Telegram IMHO is not so friendly for this.

So still keep posting questions on here as well as there are quite a few knowledgeable folk here at times yet it may take a while to get a reply.

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one thing to note is that unlike Eth , the smart contracts reside out of the chain and proper infra setup is required like traditional software… This is the only draw back i found in this awesome blockchain.

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What about fiat to Xem and Xem to Fiat exchanges. Any to avoid.
Also mosaic exchanges ??? mosaics <> to coin or fiat

Here are the issues that I have run into when using the public xem chain. Using a mijin chain would mitigate all of these as you can set the defaults and run your nodes then use the api to do cross chain transactions to the main chain:
Fees: Mosaics are great, but keep in mind that any system you build requires xem to pay the transaction fees. With catapult you will be able to pay the fee for them, but I am sure this may be abused pretty quickly. I have not seen the demo of how it works yet, so can not give a full answer.
Node connectivity and height: You may be required to run your own nodes to verify all of the timing and transactions you do. Trusting a 3rd party node to promise to display api results and then pulling them into your code is risky.
Does it really need a blockchain question: Always good to ask if the reason for adding blockchain to the project is just hype. Existing systems may already be in place that accomplish what you are trying to do. You then only need to skin them and move on.
Contracts: Catapult will include some on chain contracts, so this may be mitigated once released. For now all logic and flow is controlled by api calls to the chain from a node you trust. So all logic is on servers you control and maintain. This is good for updates to the contract, but runs into the same questions of if I need a blockchain for this when you spin up 30 nodes to have. your smart contract running smoothly. Even the logic of tracking block height gets strange when dealing with instant transactions and not setting a number of blocks to confirm rule.

This was just off the top of my head, so sorry if I missed anything. Feel free to correct if anyone notices anything wrong.