Hello fellow Nemsters!
First i'd like to introduce myself a little. I've been following the development of Nem very carefully all the way from the beginning. I'm just not much of a forum poster nor do i have skills in software development so i haven't been participating the way i feel i should have. However now with the distribution right around the corner and the discussion on how to use the possible unclaimed stakes going on i've decided to join the conversation.
First i'd like to say that the investment fund idea is the best i've seen so far. However i do not think the fund should aim to be profitable in the way of dividents and such. I feel we stakeholders already get enough Nem as is and increasing the amount in any artificial way would only work against Nem in the long run.
The profit the fund should bring us should come from making the Nem we already have more valuable not from us having more Nem.
To accomplish this i think the fund's aim should be in two things:
- The continual advancement of the Nem Ecosystem.
- Stimulating adoption by means of redistribution into the market.
Hence i propose: Nem Ecosystem Fund
The purpose of this fund would be in incentivizing new development in the Nem Ecosystem.
Every Nemster in the nemesis block would get a special token that gives them the right to have a say in the allocation of the Nem in the fund.
It could be like a crowdfunding platform where every tokenholder can pledge x amount of Nem in x amount of time in the fund towards the projects they think are most important or it could work by the current developers offering us different projects to vote on.
One of the major advantages of such a fund would be that people tend to come and go and development funds will run dry in time however establishing a system where people can crowdfund new development right from the get go would make sure that Nem development can go on infinitely. What i'm trying to say is that when the Nem in the fund eventually runs out we will already have a system in place where people can then use their own Nem to fund future development. This would also mean that all the Nem in the fund would eventually be distributed into the economy leading into a fully decentralized system.
These are just some of my ideas and i hope people will comment on them.
Also as this is my first post here i'd like to thank the community and everyone thats been working on Nem so far. Your work has been amazing!
It looks like the dream will be reality very soon.
A great idea ! There will be some technical problems that need to be solved like: treasuring, chest-keeping system etc. but these are not unsolvable I think.