Branding for NEM

“NEM, just cause you CAN” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Seriously, I think something like "Economy Galaxy’, “economy universe”, “lightspeed economy”, “silk economy” or perhaps an amalgamation like “Silk Galaxy”, the idea behind it is that NEM is a total economic platform, it has to have a nice name that attracts all people in the entire world, so it should not be too edgy or nerdy otherwise the general public will stay away, but it must sound interesting and high quality on the other hand so people know it’s not just another platform.

Yeah love NEM and XEM. The “New Economic Movement” I don’t like at all and would be good to see it go imo.

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NEM by itself is kind of original on its own. I’m not a fan of ‘new economy movement’ thing either.

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So… if we make NEM become nem, and pretend like there was never a greater meaning to it, maybe no one will notice? ;D

What about this?

New: developed from scratch
Easy: easy to integrate with, easy to use as no local blockchain needed
Manageable: multi-sig, mosaic

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Yes, yes and yes !
That’s exactly what I meant when I said the words didn’t need to be a phrase but could just stand on their own.
The defining phrases need to be refined but i think the 3 words you chose are pretty good.

How about:

New: No fork of Bitcoin or any other project. Developed from scratch with performance and secrutiy in mind.
Easy: Well documented and simple API. Everyone can build on nem and they have a great time doin so.
Managable: ???

I’m not sure how best to describe managable. Multi-sig is a security feature and mosiacs…i don’t know if that fits either.


How about we go with mature ?
Mature: Using only established, proven to work technology nem is built for real world usecases not crypto hype.

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Mastery? (can a native English speaker confirm this conveys a positive message?)

Or mastered? Mastership ?

Incidentally miltusig and mosaic also start with m :slight_smile:

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Medium is also an appropriate word here.

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New Economic Medium sounds right indeed.

Let’s not get back to the economy stuff :smile:
Medium sounds good but it’s a noun. Personally I’d like 3 adjectives.

How about meticulous ?

If we want to get rid of the economic word, I prefer New Easy Mastered. If we want to stay close to the original name but abandon the movement word, medium is really good.

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Of course it needs to be Noone Expected Makoto. Well, that might not give enough credit to the other devs and Nemsters :yum:

New Era Money

What’s so bad about New Economy Movement btw? I kinda like idealism.

Most of those words sound like diseases.

Nematic is cool. It comes from the greek prefix Nemato, which means “thread-like” ( Sounds like a fancy way of saying blockchain. Very nematic indeed bro. I could see myself saying that.

The connection between NEM (technology) and movement seems a bit of a stretch imo. The community itself is the ‘movement’ part but the NEM platform itself deserves a more specific brand. Although, the way it is currently is okay too :smile:

Node Enhanced Mosaic

Network Exchange Map

A blockchain is a stupid name for a blockchain. It is really a map of exchanges on a network.

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blockchain fit perfect because its a chain of blocks
one behind one in front connected to each other like a chain

transactions are the content of the blocks

the idea of

N ew
E asy
M ultipurpose

is good

i use Multipurpose as last because it describe best that it can be used for many different things

NEM the Leatherman of Blockchain Era.
Whatever usecase u have in mind NEM have the proper tool to fullfil it.

and yes thats a vision
we not already in the state to fullfil every usecase
but i hope we will

I like jabo38s ‘Network Exchange Map’


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New Economic Machina

New Easy Multipurpose is my preferred one. Well found for the m @cryptonit!
Those are words everyone understands. I often read we target the 5 other billions people, and these are non technical.

If we chose these, it would be easy to make everyone understand what NEM means and stands for.