Branding for NEM

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We’re two to like New Easy Multipurpose, and possible @patmast3r too. Can this get some traction or will it fade ? Is thre a will to settle on something soon or is this a side matter for the time being?

The only issue with this is that NEM will not remain new :smile:
Apart from that I must say I kind of like it too. That and Nothing Else Matters, I like this one because it shows not everything has to be taken seriously.

im not sure about the “new” either. i mean if it was a fork, then what? would still be awesome. so, i dont know why it is always so important that it is written from scratch. maybe so the devs know everything about every single line, because they wrote it by themselves? that might be a plus. but yeah…

multisig is not about security only imo. it is indeed something that makes accounts managable. just think about transferring namespaces just by making some other account the only cosigner :wink:

I find the approach with the three adjectives a little weird. It’s like when someone invents a new car and calls it the New Electric Agile or something. Also I can’t think of any brand that would do this, except for cases where single adjectives are rebranded into a noun, as in Swift.
A New Easy Multipurpose What? I guess in order to name a “thing” it should be called a “thing”, no?
Multipurpose is also a bit of a weird word that doesn’t just roll off the tongue easily imo.

Not saying I have a better solution, just my two XEM.

Some stuff off the top of my head:

Networked Ecosystem Manager

Nematic Economy Machine

Ninja Enabled Magic

Random nice words for N:


somebody should make a NEM name generator that has lots of words that start with N, E, and M and then makes up combinations. :slight_smile: that would be fun

I was just a little bored, here try this: …

Unzip and run from the command prompt (win).

The wordlists are rather shitty but it’s hard to find good ones that fit.

I liked when it gave me “Nonpoisonous Entogastric Megapod” though.

EDIT: I deleted the link because there’s a chance that that’s where the warning in Firefox comes from. Maybe FF doesn’t like random Python scripts posted on the internet…?

I’d vote Ninja Enabled Magic :smile:

Not a fan of New, Easy, Multipurpose. Sounds very disjointed

What about (something beginning with N), Easily Mastered


Network Exchange Map is the best if we want to be taken seriously. It is technical and neutral, just like Digital Video Disc = DVD. People could still just say NEM, but it needs some words behind it. Also I think that adjectives could be used in marketing in combination with Network Exchange Map.

Nice, Easy, Manageable. Network Exchange Map.

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…sounds good

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Network Exchange Map is very technical. Exactly just like DVD. It’s the same thing as Decentralzed Transaction Ledger. But DLT doesn’t roll off the toungue as easy as NEM. It’s basically a better word for a blockchain than “Blockchain”. Blockchain is actually kind of silly because all chains have rounds/links/blocks. It’s kind of like me saying “gold link chain” instead of “gold chain”. You assume since it is a chain it must have links.

If somebody said transaction chain and put the focus on the content of the block, that might have been okay. But calling this tech “transaction chain” also doesn’t work well.

NEM: Nice, Easy, Manageable. Network, Exchange Map.

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Network Exchange Map could possibly work. I didn’t like it at first, but if we want to push the bounds of technology and do something new, then it might be good to use some other term than just a “blockchain” or “distributed ledger.”

That being said, I don’t really like “exchange,” as in the context of IoT, data that are stored on a blockchain are not really “exchanges.” Are there any other ideas for what the E could be? I don’t have any.



We have had some discussion in telegram recently about rebranding NEM again. I’m sharing some views from there. One person came to suggest the word ‘Nexus’ for letter N:

                    noun, plural nexuses, nexus.                    



    a means of connection; tie; link.    



    a connected series or group.    



    the core or center, as of a matter or situation.    



    Cell Biology. a specialized area of the cell membrane involved in intercellular communication and adhesion.    

I think it sounds pretty good. Here are some ways it could be used for example:

Nexus Entities Multiplatform

Nexus Entities Multiledger

Nexus Enterprise Multiplatform

Nexus Enterprise Multiledger

I think the word ‘Map’ is not good with Nexus though.

Also, I like the word Notarizing or Notary (someone with native english can correct me). This would make us seem much more than just a currency platform. Blockchains are about storing and notarizing data for so many purposes.

Notary and Equity Manager

I don’t object to the names NEM and XEM, but if you want to change the name, here’s my suggestion:
(anyway, an interesting history.)


No other money worked so well and for so long (7 centuries!) as the Tallies. King Henry the First invented the Tally stick system in 1100 AD. Banks attacked the Tally stick system, because it was money issued outside of their control. But only in 1826 they succeeded in abolishing the Tallies.

A tally stick had notches cut along one edge to signify the denominations. To prevent alteration or counterfeiting the wooden stick was then split full length, so each piece still had a record of the notches.
(Here the word “stockholder” originated.)

The word “Tally” sounds like the Dutch word “tellen” (to count) and the German word “zahlen” (to pay). It has in my opinion the right connotation.
(Actually the word “Tally” is from the Latin talea meaning “twig”, “stake”.)

So my suggestion: Tally
Plural: Tallies
Abbreviation: TAL or TLY

Background information: (starts at 18:34)
or Google “Tally sticks” to find out how exactly the Tally stick money system worked.

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I probably missed big parts of the original discussion. But what were the arguments against New Economy Movement?
Or could someone point me to the forum posts about the discussion? I would like to undesrstand the problem , before proposing a solution :wink:

nassa et mosaic

latin for

net and mosaic

even if i would likle much more

network of mosaics

NEM - one chain to connect them all !

That’s an interesting bit of history!