Error 306 NIS: Unexpected Error

When I try to start delegated harvesting I get the following error:

Error 306 NIS: Unexpected Error

Can you post your logs ?

How do I do that? Also to note, I just tried logging into the client and all my saved wallets are now disappeared.

Do you have have the wlt file in your NEM directory?

Was able to restore my wallets. I believe it was an issue with Windows user accounts. Was logged on to a different account.

However I still have the ‘Error 306 NIS: Unexpected Error’

How do I post my logs?

Easiest is to go on telegram and give to @bloodyrookie.

You can find the log files in your windows user directory:

Please put them in a compressed archive (zip e.g.) before you upload/send them anywhere.

Here is a lot of help as well:

Ok, I have my log files compressed and ready. Can someone add me to the correct telegram channel @megashira1

Im having exactly the same problem. Can anyone help?

since error 306 isn’t very specific, i would need the logs if you want me to analyze the problem.

Here they are:

Looked through some logs and i only see "SEVERE Http Status Code 699: HARVESTING_LIMIT_HIT"
You can increase the harvesting limit by editing the file in the nis folder. The entry

nis.unlockedLimit = 1

can be changed to something like

nis.unlockedLimit = 3

Then you shouldn’t hit the harvesting limit.

This is really weird, i dont see any file in my nis folder, it only contains a data folder and a logs folder.

I did however find in C:\Program Files\nemwallet\ncc but i dont see the nis.unlocked value anywhere there.

I mean the nis installation folder, not the folder where the logs and the db are located :slight_smile:

OK, so i am in the correct folder then? (C:\Program Files\nemwallet\ncc)

Because that could be part of the problem since there is no harvesting limit in the file there.

probably c:\program files\nemwallet\nis

OK, sweet found it, didnt see that first time :stuck_out_tongue:

Still getting the same error 306 after increasing to 3.

I also didnt mention that i had tried fully reinstalling without any luck.

I didn’t see any 306 error like i said above. just a 699 error.
can you again provide a log where the 306 error occurred?
(just that one log for ncc and nis)

Those two logs i provided are the only logs im aware of.
If it does not contain the 306 error in those logs, what else could it mean?

Something doesnt seem right, but its obviously some issue with NIS or NCC.