ok, i will check more of your logs for the 306 error, maybe it is in an older log.
Are you using the local NIS or a remote NIS, please check your settings.
In case you are using your local NIS it would be a good idea to boot it, the log shows no sign of a NIS boot.
Interesting, those logs go back a few days last month dont they?
I had earlier booted as a local node and used as the host, (well at least i thought it had done so).
I thought i had confirmed this by the fact that my blockchain fully synced, then after it had synced had i tried once again to start delegated harvesting.
Doesnt seem to matter what node i use, i get the same 306 error.
Maybe this is where the issue lies if it indeed is booting locally and yet the wallet is still syncing?
i would suggest the following:
- Shut down NIS and NCC and clear all logs you got.
- Start NIS and NCC, boot NIS and try to start delegated harvesting which should result in the 306 error.
- Shut down NIS and NCC. There should only be a single log for each, NIS and NCC. Provide that log.
Here are the fresh logs.
Ive also included the mon log if its any help.
I can see the 306 error in the ncc log
link https://www.dropbox.com/s/ufz8yse3xtdftzn/logs.zip?dl=0
Again i see no booting of nis. And no error in the nis log too, especially at the time where NCC shows the 306 error. Can you check again in the ncc settings that you are using localhost as host? i mean the settings available in the browser page
Under remote server ive got because im trying to do delegated harvesting
if i was to select auto boot, it has localhost for nodename.
I had earlier used localhost or instead of a node address such as the above, and it works sweet without any errors. I only get the 306 error when im trying to connect to a remote server for delegated harvesting.
Is there something im doing wrong?
Because all ive ever done is change the remote server every now and again whenever a node goes offline for example, i will just look for another node on nodeexplorer, enter it into NCC and then click start delegated harvesting and away ill go again.
Remore server and delegated harvesting are two entirely different things.
Remote server refers to a node not running on your computer. Using a remote server eliminates the need to have NIS running on your local computer.
Delegated harvesting means that you harvest with an account on behalf of your main account. You can do that on your local computer’s NIS or on a remote server. The advantage is that the delegated account has no xem on it and thus, even if you put the delegated provate key into the NIS configuration, you need not fear that someone can rob you if your computer gets compromised.
So those two things are really very different concepts.
I have no access to the logs of the node with ip nor do I know who is running the node. Thus i cannot find out what is wrong. If you can choose an alice server it I can check the logs if there is a problem.
OK, im quite lost here, as I thought a remote server was required for delegated harvesting?
This is what I was told early on by someone on the Bitcointalk thread, and up till last month, its always worked for me, and i have harvested many blocks until 20th of Jan.
Putting the ip address of aside, ive getting the same error no matter what server address i put in there (except for localhost/ when i start delegated harvesting. (of course delegated harvesting wont actually work when booted locally, but i get no error message when i click start)
Are you saying that delegated harvesting is still possible even if im running NIS locally?
How am i supposed to add a node for harvesting? I cant see anywhere in NCC to add a node other than where ive been using the remote server address.
If ive been doing it wrong all this time, i want to know, but all i can say is its worked for me! lol
What exactly is the alice server?
Is there one named that if i look in the node explorer?
Alice servers are my servers, You can try alice2.nem.ninja as remote server for example.
If that one has no spot free for delegating harvesting you can try alice3,4,5,6,7.
"of course delegated harvesting wont actually work when booted locally, but i get no error message when i click start"
of course it works You don’t need a remote server for delegated harvesting. The word “delegated” is referring to the account, not the server.
OK, ive got it working on alice4 thanks.
Im still rather confused what ive done wrong though as i have not done anything different than before.
Delegated harvesting started without any error and again NIS is running without a local node booted.
So basically now that ive got delegated harvesting working, next time i start NCC, i can simply select auto boot as localhost and the harvesting will keep going on your server?
If you are using a remote server (like Alice4 in this case) you don’t need a local NIS at all. The only thing is that if Alice4 is restarted, you would need to click on “start delegated harvesting” again. If you want Alice4 to automatically use your delegated key to harvest, then you need to pm me the delegated key so i can configure Alice4 to use it.
OK, i didnt know anything about delegated keys, thats good to know.
When you say you dont need a remote server for delegated harvesting, i assume this is one way of doing it by sending the key to the server administrator?
Ive learned alot here, as i always thought that you had to connect to a remote server to enable delegated harvesting.
I am just saying that you can let NCC point to your local NIS (in the settings) and then just click on “Start delegated harvesting”.
Yes it does let me do that.
So basically if im not mistaken, all i need to do from here on is save a node address for harvesting under remote server and then just boot locally and when i click start delegated harvesting, it will harvest using the address saved under remote server?
Please read these 3 tutorials:
If you still have questions after reading that, ask in here and I will try my best to help you.
Hi nzminer,
let me try to clear up somethings real quick.
There are two types of harvesting. These are local harvesting and remote harvesting. Local means you harvest on your machine running a fully synced chain and you harvest via localhost ( Remote harvesting means somebody else is harvesting for you on their server.
Now there are two keys. There is your regular private key, and then there is the private key of a delegated harvesting account. A regular private key can only be used for local harvesting. A delegated key can be used for local or remote harvesting. But remote harvesting can only be done with a delegated key. That way you are protected. It is a security feature.
If you make a delegated key, you can still local harvest. This can actually be done in two ways. First make sure you are not connected to a remote server but instead are connected to localhost. In the first way, go to your main account and click “start delegated harvesting” (that assumes you have had it activated before). The second way, take your private key from the delegated account and load it into the wallet under settings wheel “add an existing account”. Once it is loaded you can click “start local harvesting”. (Also note: if you didn’t ever activate delegated harvesting, then just go to your main account account and click “start local harvesting” while running your own node.)
Now if you are connected to a different remote host, the rules are different. This means you have connected to somebody else’s IP and you want them to harvest for you. You must have had delegated harvesting activated and then click “start delegated harvesting”. If that third party has slots open for extra harvesters in their config file, then you can harvest. If they don’t, you will get an error. The second way is to send somebody the delegated private key in a message (not the regular private key) and then they can add you to their NIS config file so they harvest for you automatically when they boot the node.
All this might seem complicated and confusing, but as time goes by and we smooth out the wallets and mobile apps, it will be easier.
For some further reading on how to do all the things I described here in detail, please review these blogs.
OK, that explains things alot better thanks
I will keep it in mind for future to use a delegated key perhaps and then i dont have to worry about having to check on it all the time.
I still dont know what the cause of the 306 error was that i experienced, but it must have been related to the servers i was trying to connect to, but i did not have the harvesting limit reached error like i usually see.
Anyway, it resolved it after switching to your alice server.
I will probably send you the delegated key in due course.
I had to restart NIS on alice4. So you might want to restart harvesting too.
Ok will do