Exchange Support. Lost XEM at an exchange? Post here! [MOVED]

NC4IY2-U2VL2C-TY2QLE-P7M7HO-3T2EXF-33L7Z4-WOIJ это мой адрес андроид кошелька

I have already create support tickets at Bittrex. I have also send messages to all contacts on Twitter. I will be waiting for updates from them. Will update once this is solved.

Hi, I dont know if I am here at the right topic, but I need help with my wallet. I did transfer xem coins 9 days ago from Cryptopia and they still dont show at my nano wallet. Which was downloaded from your official website link. The address is correct and it says completed on Cryptopia. Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

This is your transaction:

All transaction to exchange NDKIDQOVCGN463JUSAUJ3YKGLVVLSZV3ZKA46JQC are wrong. You have included encrypted message. You must contact with this exchange support, provide transaction hashes (available when you click detatils) and ask for refund.

This is your friend transaction:
You have send 0 XEM with fee 1 XEM. That’s why no balance change.

Could you copy here transaction hash from cryptopia withdraw history?

sorry I think I posted the wrong transaction ID earlier.
This is the correct one. But for some reason I cant copy the complete id # at Cryptopia, it cuts of at half at the end. Thank you for your help.

I feared this answer … I have not received an answer from yobit for two months … I consider them lost.

Alessio Baiocchi

This is not correct hash. It should be 64 length

Yobit support sux… Many reviews with scam, fraud customer accusations.

I Know :frowning:
Is there no other way?

Hi there
I lost my XEM tx 018cb04ec9e44a85257c1426a8d907f0d6f9af510c8b6086f2168f8bb381a8e9
Can you find it?

Hello and thanks for the reply. This link is not working. Any other suggestions?

Cryptopia update: a new issues has arisen today. instead of withdrawals going through (status “complete”) but without the xem ending up in the destination wallet, now i am getting an “invalid address” error. the address is not incorrect; it’s the address that i’ve withdrawn to from the exchange previously. i guess, at least, this shows that they’re trying to do something about the withdrawal issues. anyone have any thoughts on this?

I don’t think so. Maybe some direct contact with support in other channel than official.
For sure facebook Yobit profile are scammers (not real Yobit support) because they steal 1000 XEM from one of community members.

This transaction doesn’t exists:
From where have you this hash?

Now it works (temporarily problems)

Could you paste screenshot with this error?

Hello Cryptopia issue is solved. I have received my XEM after 9 days finally!

Great :slight_smile:

Currency Amount Fee Status TransactionId Address Timestamp

1856868 XEM 69.69603000 20.00000000 Complete f12eb4ae5339bfd8995a35aff88ae5559783bbe4608816b7e1ec6f575b91d91e