Exporting your NCC address book to your Nano Wallet

This is a guide to exporting your NCC address book into a compatible Nano Wallet address book.

1.Head on over to this github repo and downloaded the uploaded binary:

2.Before running the downloaded binary, make sure you first have your local NCC instance running. Otherwise the address book will not be exported. You can confirm it is running by going to and checking for the following landing page:

3.Navigate to the downloaded ncc address book exporter and simply double click on it to bring up a command prompt screen asking for your wallet name and password as shown below:

4.Upon successful validation of your credentials, an .adb file will be generated within the same folder as the downloaded ncc address book exporter followed by a success message:

5.To import the generated adb file into your nano wallet, open your wallet within your browser and navigate to the services tab.

6.Navigate to the address book section and click on “Manage address book”

7.Click on “Import address book” and look for the generated .adb file from step 4 to import.

8.You should now see your imported addresses!


That is a really nice tutorial and code. Thanks Anthony!