· Since I do not use English, I write it in Google Translate.
· I purchased iPhone X.
· I installed mobile wallet version 1.1.4 build 5.
I created a new account
· I transferred money from the exchange to the address of mobile wallet.
· I checked the deposit with iPhone.
· When attempting to create a backup, “failure_singnature_not_verifiable” is displayed and backup can not be created.
· Because I can not send money, how
@mimi did you restore app from icloud / itunes backup? Do you have private key or qr code eith private key backup maybe?
I have not backed up since I have not been 30 minutes since I created an account.
Could you confirm that when you go to “More - > Export account - > ok - > Show private key” app crashes or it shows message “failure_singnature_not_verifiable”?
Is there a bug where the secret key is broken with the latest version of iPhone wallet?
Is not this already fixed?
Create a new wallet with the latest version.
After 30 minutes the secret key is broken. What do you mean?
Development, @thomasoehri.
Please answer the question.
For this matter, I will talk to @jabo38 directly PM in a telegram.
confirm that when you go to “More - > Export account - > ok” app crashes
Can you give us more details? What happened in between the creation of the account and you noticing that it doesn’t work anymore, did you leave the application? Have you changed any settings in that time? Have you changed anything on your device, maybe restored a backup or something similar?
Did I undestand correctly that you tried to send a transaction when the message "failure_singnature_not_verifiable” appeared, or did you try to create a backup?
How was the process when you installed the app? Did you choose an application password? If you did leave the application in the meantime, did you have to enter your password again after reopening the app?
We never had a case where the private key was corrupted like this. There always was a reason - like people switching to a new phone without creating a backup. We need to find out the exact circumstances in your case to try to reproduce the error.
This flow is like this.
- Download NEM Wallet app to IPHONE X. (No trouble)
- Create an account by name and password. (No error etc)
- I sent test 1nem from the exchange and confirmed receipt.
- Send 500 NEM again and confirm receipt.
- I have not made any changes to the settings, etc. so far.
- In order to backup Wallet, press Export Account and press Confirm to forcibly stop the application (remaining in the account selection screen in the task)
- If you feel uneasy and want to send the remittance nem back to the exchange
"Failure_singnature_not_verifiable" will not be withdrawn.
Both the dashboard and remittance from the address book will get the same error.
We also do not upgrade ios etc on the device.
I have never done a backup restore.
From the setting of iphone X, in the application part of FACEID
If you set not to use Face ID in NEM’s application
When entering the password input screen at startup, hitting a password and pressing confirmation
The application will be dropped.
So, now it is possible to log in with just the face ID.
Anyway, do I have to wait to see the version up of the NEM wallet app?
Same thing happened to me on my IPhone 6. I reported the problem months ago and no solutions have came my way. I even had the private key, but it doesnt back up to that wallet.
There are similar symptoms, do not you think?
If that is the case, I’d like a note that “Please use after testing with a small amount” when using.
I am in trouble if I intended to transfer it to a safe wallet, the most dangerous.
Since then, I am afraid to use other wallets as well.
I quit recommending it to the acquaintance until this matter is resolved.
I am waiting for an answer.
After that, while I was fiddling with various things, it became the following state.
1, I turned off “Touch ID” in APP setting screen.
2, even face authentication ceased to work at startup, it was only possible to enter the password.
3, At that time enter the password and press confirmation, the application drops as well.
4, I could not even log in and I was discouraged.
5, after 2 days from then casually start up the application, if you try typing the password, the application will not fall and login successful!
6, I thought well, Account name - Menu - Export When I push the confirmation, I had a 2 - dimensional barcode this time though I had fallen before!
7, I showed the public key and private key for the time being, and immediately pasted it to the notepad!
8, I thought that I can retrieve NEM now, I tried remittance, but it did not change that I got out “failure_singnat ure_not_verifiable” at remittance.
Those who have wishes, please.
What will I be able to save here?
In point 7. you paste your private key.
Could you confirm it’s 64 length or 66 length with leading 00?
The private key is 96 characters.
At the beginning “9f” the end is “1d”
The public key is 64 characters.
At the beginning “d8” the end is 30
is. Does this mean you can not?
This mean private key is corrupted and can’t be used.
Should be 64 or 66 length with leading 00.
CC: @mizunashi @thomasoehri
I think that it is a problem when it is impossible to recover though secret key could be acquired.
I’d like you to fix it quickly with version upgrade.
I’m trying to reproduce the issue on a new device. If more information on the exact circumstances in your case come to your mind, please let me know.
There was nothing special.
I will explain the flow again.
- IPHONE X is 11.2.1 (15C153).
- I installed Wallet(1.1.4b5) on my mobile
- The password was made with 8 alphanumeric characters.
(At this stage I was logged in by face authentication - In account creation, I made it as “Mimi” with Japanese hiragana.
- It was my first time to use Wallet.
- 1 NEM was remitted on the same day from the exchange and reflected.
- Since it was relieved, 500 NEM was transferred completely and reflected.
- I also thought about taking a backup because the move came without any problems.
- When you select “Export Account”, the application terminated.
- I tried many times but the application has ended.
- I was giving up for a while and was looking for information.
- I got here the other day.
- I removed the face authentication and I proceeded to the export screen.
- I got my private key.
- There is still an error when sending money.
I will reply if there is a question.
If I say that you can not use that secret key even though I got a secret key
I think that there is no meaning of the secret key system itself.
Also, you can not remit money due to key error of backup purpose
I can not accept it.
I think that it is just a black hole that you can deposit money and you can not send money.
Improvement and correction, as well as key acquisition, we strongly hope to be able to recover.