Hello AltNemo

AltNemo: Alternative Nemo (Numismatics has its etymology from the word nemō). Numismatics is the study or collection of currency. Hence AltNemo is

This is great news and i am proud to be a part of NEM.

Then it should be made clear on the altnem.com site that funds raised are to be used for closed source companies

Is the NEWCO write up going to be made public?

I also find it funny that a "New Economy Movement" is supporting this as well as key devs are invloved.

AltNemo is completely separate from NEM, the open and decentralized movement. Just because some nemsters want to support a company doesn't mean that they can't also support a free and open movement. I hope that NEM will always be free and independent of centralized control.

Please don't confused AltNemo and NEM; the two are completely separate.

I'll update altnemo.com to make this more clear.

Then it should be made clear on the altnem.com site that funds raised are to be used for closed source companies

Is the NEWCO write up going to be made public?

I also find it funny that a "New Economy Movement" is supporting this as well as key devs are invloved.

AltNemo is completely separate from NEM, the open and decentralized movement. Just because some nemsters want to support a company doesn't mean that they can't also support a free and open movement. I hope that NEM will always be free and independent of centralized control.

Please don't confused AltNemo and NEM; the two are completely separate.

I'll update altnemo.com to make this more clear.

But yet NEM resources are being used for altnemo, people, time. There is a card on the (private) NEM Marketing Trello Board which talks about NEWCO so how is that "completely separate"

NEM is a movement and NEM software will always be free and open source, with future development controlled by the community. NEM is more than just software, however, it is a movement. We are working to create a new economy together and that is not changed by selling valuable gold and silver coins and creating free mobile apps for people to use.

None of the core devs or marketers are being paid salaries, so I so no reason why people can't use their time to help work to create a company that hasn't yet been created yet. It's really unrealistic to think that a crypto currency can be successful without a vibrant ecosystem. Besides rockethead, no one has really stepped forward to help create projects that use NEM. He has been working full time for NEM for months, promoting NEM and writing most of the newsletters, all without any salary.

Then it should be made clear on the altnem.com site that funds raised are to be used for closed source companies

Is the NEWCO write up going to be made public?

I also find it funny that a "New Economy Movement" is supporting this as well as key devs are invloved.

AltNemo is completely separate from NEM, the open and decentralized movement. Just because some nemsters want to support a company doesn't mean that they can't also support a free and open movement. I hope that NEM will always be free and independent of centralized control.

Please don't confused AltNemo and NEM; the two are completely separate.

I'll update altnemo.com to make this more clear.

But yet NEM resources are being used for altnemo, people, time. There is a card on the (private) NEM Marketing Trello Board which talks about NEWCO so how is that "completely separate"

Guess what there is a whole other baord on trello for AltNemo :o
So what you're basically saying is everyone involved in NEM can't be involved with a company ?

So we get a decentralized currency and mobile wallet will be done by a company as a closed source product?
what the fuck?

mobile wallet should be a community project.

So we get a decentralized currency and mobile wallet will be done by a company as a closed source product?
what the f**k?

mobile wallet should be a community project.

Then make one. We've been trying to get people to make mobile apps for the last 4 months.

I'm not against private companies helping NEM but those companies should do their own private funding.

That is why we are selling gold and silver coins :)

Individuals cannot order from the Perth Mint, only legal entities.

I really think you are being too harsh on the idea. We are all on the same team.

Then it should be made clear on the altnem.com site that funds raised are to be used for closed source companies

Is the NEWCO write up going to be made public?

I also find it funny that a "New Economy Movement" is supporting this as well as key devs are invloved.

AltNemo is completely separate from NEM, the open and decentralized movement. Just because some nemsters want to support a company doesn't mean that they can't also support a free and open movement. I hope that NEM will always be free and independent of centralized control.

Please don't confused AltNemo and NEM; the two are completely separate.

I'll update altnemo.com to make this more clear.

But yet NEM resources are being used for altnemo, people, time. There is a card on the (private) NEM Marketing Trello Board which talks about NEWCO so how is that "completely separate"

NEM is a movement and NEM software will always be free and open source, with future development controlled by the community. NEM is more than just software, however, it is a movement. We are working to create a new economy together and that is not changed by selling valuable gold and silver coins and creating free mobile apps for people to use.

None of the core devs or marketers are being paid salaries, so I so no reason why people can't use their time to help work to create a company that hasn't yet been created yet. It's really unrealistic to think that a crypto currency can be successful without a vibrant ecosystem. Besides rockethead, no one has really stepped forward to help create projects that use NEM. He has been working full time for NEM for months, promoting NEM and writing most of the newsletters, all without any salary.

So you want people to spend time and resources on making apps for a product that is in alpha where there could be delays on the release and maybe some changes to the system?

Yes. I want people to get involved in NEM more.

Then it should be made clear on the altnem.com site that funds raised are to be used for closed source companies

Is the NEWCO write up going to be made public?

I also find it funny that a "New Economy Movement" is supporting this as well as key devs are invloved.

AltNemo is completely separate from NEM, the open and decentralized movement. Just because some nemsters want to support a company doesn't mean that they can't also support a free and open movement. I hope that NEM will always be free and independent of centralized control.

Please don't confused AltNemo and NEM; the two are completely separate.

I'll update altnemo.com to make this more clear.

But yet NEM resources are being used for altnemo, people, time. There is a card on the (private) NEM Marketing Trello Board which talks about NEWCO so how is that "completely separate"

NEM is a movement and NEM software will always be free and open source, with future development controlled by the community. NEM is more than just software, however, it is a movement. We are working to create a new economy together and that is not changed by selling valuable gold and silver coins and creating free mobile apps for people to use.

None of the core devs or marketers are being paid salaries, so I so no reason why people can't use their time to help work to create a company that hasn't yet been created yet. It's really unrealistic to think that a crypto currency can be successful without a vibrant ecosystem. Besides rockethead, no one has really stepped forward to help create projects that use NEM. He has been working full time for NEM for months, promoting NEM and writing most of the newsletters, all without any salary.

So you want people to spend time and resources on making apps for a product that is in alpha where there could be delays on the release and maybe some changes to the system?

Yes. I want people to get involved in NEM more.

How? At this point in time it is pointless to develop stuff for nem because it's still alpha and NIS isn't even open source.
How are people supposed to build something on top of NEM if people can't even tell what the final NIS Api will look like?

EDIT: BTW: Developing closed source products is not a way to get people involved in something, developing closed source software is just a way to make money.

Then it should be made clear on the altnem.com site that funds raised are to be used for closed source companies

Is the NEWCO write up going to be made public?

I also find it funny that a "New Economy Movement" is supporting this as well as key devs are invloved.

AltNemo is completely separate from NEM, the open and decentralized movement. Just because some nemsters want to support a company doesn't mean that they can't also support a free and open movement. I hope that NEM will always be free and independent of centralized control.

Please don't confused AltNemo and NEM; the two are completely separate.

I'll update altnemo.com to make this more clear.

But yet NEM resources are being used for altnemo, people, time. There is a card on the (private) NEM Marketing Trello Board which talks about NEWCO so how is that "completely separate"

NEM is a movement and NEM software will always be free and open source, with future development controlled by the community. NEM is more than just software, however, it is a movement. We are working to create a new economy together and that is not changed by selling valuable gold and silver coins and creating free mobile apps for people to use.

None of the core devs or marketers are being paid salaries, so I so no reason why people can't use their time to help work to create a company that hasn't yet been created yet. It's really unrealistic to think that a crypto currency can be successful without a vibrant ecosystem. Besides rockethead, no one has really stepped forward to help create projects that use NEM. He has been working full time for NEM for months, promoting NEM and writing most of the newsletters, all without any salary.

So you want people to spend time and resources on making apps for a product that is in alpha where there could be delays on the release and maybe some changes to the system?

Yes. I want people to get involved in NEM more.

How? At this point in time it is pointless to develop stuff for nem because it's still alpha and NIS isn't even open source.
How are people supposed to build something on top of NEM if people can't even tell what the final NIS Api will look like?

how have people done it up to now ? It's not like noone has built stuff on top of the API. If the API changes, the programm will need to change - big deal.
Also a mobile app isn't only comprised of API calls is it ?. People could have easily starting building an app without needing any specs from NIS.

Then it should be made clear on the altnem.com site that funds raised are to be used for closed source companies

Is the NEWCO write up going to be made public?

I also find it funny that a "New Economy Movement" is supporting this as well as key devs are invloved.

Altnemo is not a public company per se and I guess Makoto's write-up is as clear as it can be about the intentions of the company. In any case, as mentioned by Makoto's last three lines, AltNemo will provide those who participate in the crowdsale  with privileged information as Altnemo progresses.

Additionally, it would be presumptuous to say that the key devs are involved because AltNemo is spinning off a separate entity and hire new coders in to work on a new and commercial project which, among others, is one of the very basis of its formation.

Most, if not all the existing key devs are working their butts off to deliver what they have set out to do and it is unfair to imply that they are doing something else. Besides, they are not a slave to anyone and we should all be thankful that they are willing to work so hard on the NEM ecosystem project. After all, they are not benefiting from the NEM ecosystem project until after V1. So, there is a certain element of risk they are taking and the reward that they are getting should not be questioned.

A "New Economy Movement" doesn't stop anyone, not even the developers to do what they wish to do. It is everyone's and anyone's prerogative to work on anything that one thinks is good for NEM. That in itself speaks loudly about the "New Economy Movement".

It is also important to note that AltNemo is NOT RAISING money within the legal context, as AltNemo is not in a position to do an IPO. It is merely doing a crowdsale, a term invariably linked with selling something with the expressed intention to used the proceeds to fund in-house projects.

Then it should be made clear on the altnem.com site that funds raised are to be used for closed source companies

Is the NEWCO write up going to be made public?

I also find it funny that a "New Economy Movement" is supporting this as well as key devs are invloved.

AltNemo is completely separate from NEM, the open and decentralized movement. Just because some nemsters want to support a company doesn't mean that they can't also support a free and open movement. I hope that NEM will always be free and independent of centralized control.

Please don't confused AltNemo and NEM; the two are completely separate.

I'll update altnemo.com to make this more clear.

But yet NEM resources are being used for altnemo, people, time. There is a card on the (private) NEM Marketing Trello Board which talks about NEWCO so how is that "completely separate"

NEM is a movement and NEM software will always be free and open source, with future development controlled by the community. NEM is more than just software, however, it is a movement. We are working to create a new economy together and that is not changed by selling valuable gold and silver coins and creating free mobile apps for people to use.

None of the core devs or marketers are being paid salaries, so I so no reason why people can't use their time to help work to create a company that hasn't yet been created yet. It's really unrealistic to think that a crypto currency can be successful without a vibrant ecosystem. Besides rockethead, no one has really stepped forward to help create projects that use NEM. He has been working full time for NEM for months, promoting NEM and writing most of the newsletters, all without any salary.

So you want people to spend time and resources on making apps for a product that is in alpha where there could be delays on the release and maybe some changes to the system?

Yes. I want people to get involved in NEM more.

How? At this point in time it is pointless to develop stuff for nem because it's still alpha and NIS isn't even open source.
How are people supposed to build something on top of NEM if people can't even tell what the final NIS Api will look like?

how have people done it up to now ? It's not like noone has built stuff on top of the API. If the API changes, the programm will need to change - big deal.
Also a mobile app isn't only comprised of API calls is it ?. People could have easily starting building an app without needing any specs from NIS.

Ture but unless NIS is opensource it is hard to build something like a mobile app, for example to do transaction signing locally one must first know how transactions are actually signed in NEM, and many other Implementation details that are not public now, I coded a c++ vanitygen for nem, and i could do that because i copied that javascript vanitygen step by step, not because anyone has ever anywhere described how NEM addresses are generated in theory.

Unless NIS is open source OR the inner workings of NIS are documented and made public it's hard to build something advanced that fits into the NEM ecosystem.

Then it should be made clear on the altnem.com site that funds raised are to be used for closed source companies

Is the NEWCO write up going to be made public?

I also find it funny that a "New Economy Movement" is supporting this as well as key devs are invloved.

AltNemo is completely separate from NEM, the open and decentralized movement. Just because some nemsters want to support a company doesn't mean that they can't also support a free and open movement. I hope that NEM will always be free and independent of centralized control.

Please don't confused AltNemo and NEM; the two are completely separate.

I'll update altnemo.com to make this more clear.

But yet NEM resources are being used for altnemo, people, time. There is a card on the (private) NEM Marketing Trello Board which talks about NEWCO so how is that "completely separate"

NEM resources? I never asked for a single dime to be in NEM.

The Newco was only a discussion on the NEM Marketing that were met with some objections. It was never an activity per se. Are you saying we should not discuss anything?

Then it should be made clear on the altnem.com site that funds raised are to be used for closed source companies

Is the NEWCO write up going to be made public?

I also find it funny that a "New Economy Movement" is supporting this as well as key devs are invloved.

AltNemo is completely separate from NEM, the open and decentralized movement. Just because some nemsters want to support a company doesn't mean that they can't also support a free and open movement. I hope that NEM will always be free and independent of centralized control.

Please don't confused AltNemo and NEM; the two are completely separate.

I'll update altnemo.com to make this more clear.

But yet NEM resources are being used for altnemo, people, time. There is a card on the (private) NEM Marketing Trello Board which talks about NEWCO so how is that "completely separate"

NEM is a movement and NEM software will always be free and open source, with future development controlled by the community. NEM is more than just software, however, it is a movement. We are working to create a new economy together and that is not changed by selling valuable gold and silver coins and creating free mobile apps for people to use.

None of the core devs or marketers are being paid salaries, so I so no reason why people can't use their time to help work to create a company that hasn't yet been created yet. It's really unrealistic to think that a crypto currency can be successful without a vibrant ecosystem. Besides rockethead, no one has really stepped forward to help create projects that use NEM. He has been working full time for NEM for months, promoting NEM and writing most of the newsletters, all without any salary.

So you want people to spend time and resources on making apps for a product that is in alpha where there could be delays on the release and maybe some changes to the system?

Yes. I want people to get involved in NEM more.

How? At this point in time it is pointless to develop stuff for nem because it's still alpha and NIS isn't even open source.
How are people supposed to build something on top of NEM if people can't even tell what the final NIS Api will look like?

how have people done it up to now ? It's not like noone has built stuff on top of the API. If the API changes, the programm will need to change - big deal.
Also a mobile app isn't only comprised of API calls is it ?. People could have easily starting building an app without needing any specs from NIS.

Ture but unless NIS is opensource it is hard to build something like a mobile app, for example to do transaction signing locally one must first know how transactions are actually signed in NEM, and many other Implementation details that are not public now, I coded a c++ vanitygen for nem, and i could do that because i copied that javascript vanitygen step by step, not because anyone has ever anywhere described how NEM addresses are generated in theory.

Unless NIS is open source OR the inner workings of NIS are documented and made public it's hard to build something advanced that fits into the NEM ecosystem.

UI's could be created. Most API's can be used. Wouldn't it be nice that when beta is launched today, mobile apps can be launched a month later? Just look at freigiest. He is a fine example of someone working so hard with the help of the developers. Anyone can step up to do the same for mobile apps. The devs are not enclosed in a cell. You can ask them as you progress.

But no one bothers. That's the point.

But yet NEM resources are being used for altnemo, people, time. There is a card on the (private) NEM Marketing Trello Board which talks about NEWCO so how is that "completely separate"

rockethead is part of the NEM marketing board and NEWCO is his idea, which he initially proposed on the marketing board. I think that it is more accurate to say that there is a partnership between NEWCO and the core team, but the core NEM code will be "completely separate" and outside of the purview of NEWCO.

Ture but unless NIS is opensource it is hard to build something like a mobile app, for example to do transaction signing locally one must first know how transactions are actually signed in NEM, and many other Implementation details that are not public now, I coded a c++ vanitygen for nem, and i could do that because i copied that javascript vanitygen step by step, not because anyone has ever anywhere described how NEM addresses are generated in theory.

Unless NIS is open source OR the inner workings of NIS are documented and made public it's hard to build something advanced that fits into the NEM ecosystem.

I agree that the core team has done a poor job of documenting the NIS APIs and inner workings of NIS.  This has mainly been due to a lack of time and a lack of demand. If you (or anyone) is really interested in building something on top of NEM, I will make sure that you get all the information that want. However, there will probably be a few API changes, so you will have to work with us too :).

Please let's keep it civil. vicvegas has been very supportive of NEM (and is the most active person on the forum).

Ok, I like very much the idea of a NEM based company and I feel inspired by some words from makoto:

In a way, you are all AltNemo, too, if you are a NEM stakeholder or join in our NEM gold and silver coin crowd sale.

Let's build a better, fairer world together

But I have some concerns about it:
AltNemo will be advantaged against any competitor if most of NEM core developers are part of AltNemo
AltNemo will be advantaged against any competitor if NIS is not opensourced and well documented BEFORE AltNemo starts its operations

How can we face this?
We need AltNemo to be a special kind of company; a company whose first commitment must be not the company itself but NEM ecosystem as a whole.

Few simple rules:
AltNemo should avoid any competition: if company X is involved in developing a product or service, AltNemo must not develop any concurrent product or service (but it can help company X for money).
AltNemo should allow any NEMster/stakeholder/crowdfunder to be part of it.
AltNemo should inform all NEMsters/stakeholders/crowdfunders of its future plans.

This is what I call New Economy.

Great initiative. I just don't like the name.
