How to recieve xym after optin?

I start to get panic, i cant find anything on the guides that explains exactly what to do after I optin
can someone help please ?
how do i get my xym ?

По пунктам установить кошель symbol, на андроид или ios
Далее фраза мнемоники с пред кошеля где был снимок и XEM,кошель ставится на мобилу,монеты будут уже там,и остаётся ждать запуска сети пока можно будет их вывести

Use the pnumonic generated by the opt-in process to generate your xym adderss in the new symbol wallet

it wasnt generated on desktop wallet

What did you get when you opted in?
What is your xem address that you used?

i got this message" Opt In has finished, please update your wallet to get the latest details"

Ok then you missed the opt-in deadline, you must wait for the late opt-in to be available, this could take a while

i opted in in september bro

Can you show the xem address you opted in with?


Ok so when you opted in (back in september) it showed you that the opt-in had finished and did not provide you with any hint of a key or pnumonic? Is that correct?

Your account NAMPQ3-HZAK6Q-3YB4AS-BJB4T3-GXRUPT-RYHGPA-W76U was successfully opted-in to the symbol account NDXMPD3-YEWSDZV-5VK6UER-FH6ITEV-5BWVTQY-B7OA and as you can see using the block explorer you’ve received your XYM on that account.

Now to access the funds on that symbol account you need to import the mnemonic you’ve been shown and asked to write down when creating the symbol account while going through the opt-in process back in september.


no it wasnt like that it just said optin finished.Ant even if i missed it it shoud show up somewhere in my xem wallet cause i still have access to this wallet so wheres the problem ?

Install the xym wallet v1.0.0 and during set up choose the import option, input your mnemonic and choose you opt-in address and one other address as your seed account. Then it will show your xym balance.

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i dont have a mnemonic

No mnemonics - no access! When subscribing, together with the address, the symbol was issued mnemonic, it had to be saved

are you serious ?

mnemonics is access to the address (as a secret key) if it is not saved and the access will not
On Mobile, also not installed the application symbol wallet?

In addition to the address, the symbol did not save anything?
When creating an address, it was possible to save the purse pellets (PDF format), the address of the symbol and the private key, mnemonics and the address were indicated. It is also created to collect Harvesting VFR keys (public and private), also needed to save