I'm still having trouble with the wallet

Hello Everyone,

I’m reporting a problem with my mobile phone wallet app.
Last night, after a couple of days, I tried to log on to my mobile app in order to check the status and buy more coins.
However after the first typing of the code that was correct, the wallet did not allow me to access by telling me that the code was invalid. However, knowing that I did not make a mistake, I continued to try again and again. I did it for sure 30-40 times, and only after that - NEM has accepted the password,that I previously typed 30-40 times and which is correct.
This morning I tried to log in thinking that perhaps something was missing last night, but today I have the same problem.
In this regard, if someone can give me an answer to what ,this is happening, I would be grateful.
With respect,


@Aleksa first of all. If you have problems with wallet make sure you have backuped your account!
It can be exported via More (in right bottom corner with three dots) -> Export account. Do this ASAP if not done already.

Secondary. What OS (Android or IOS) are you using? Please give also wallet version.

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Pavelm thanks for the answer.
I use the android OS.
Wallet version is1.0.71 (107)
I have a written key.
I do not understand yours about exporting an account.
I do not know how to export it when I have a self-checker to enter the code.
Thanks again!

I’m not telling about password you provide when application is open.
I’m telling about your private key. When app crashes and you have your private key backup you can always get access to your founds. Without exported account it will be impossible.

Please export your account and do backup.
More (in right bottom corner with three dots) -> Export account.

After that we can try solve your problem. Because doing backup is most important in this situation.

When I made the account, I wrote down the private key.
I certainly can not get into the wallet - tells me that the code is invalid -
Where to go in (sea).
And can I use the private key - to open a desktop account.
Thanks again!

Now I downloaded the desktop wallet-windows defender found the Trojan!

From where you download this wallet? Yes. You can use desktop wallet.

Thank you.
I downloaded wallet from https://nem.io/ version 1.4.13


Are you downloading from Internet Explorer or Edge? If yes please try from other browser (for example Chrome or Firefox).
Chrome and Firefox are recommended also for using universal client.
Thank you

I downloaded it from Firefox,it’s weird!

Ok. Please import your private key and verify if you have access to your account.
Next we can proceed with problem with mobile app if you want.

I’ll try, I just have to see how it’s possible that it is in a downloaded wallet - a trojan, even though I have an installed avira blocker.
I’m reporting the results.

It’s false alarm probably. I use this wallet and don’t have any issue. Did you download standalone version or universal client?
Maybe your alert shows up only when you try download in edge/IE. You can try scan for viruses downloaded via firefox file. I’m pretty sure they will pass.

I do not use edge IE.
Just firefox and chrome (sometimes), just because of these problems (viruses malware …)
We’ll see.

Ok. Waiting for result.

I can not log on to the new desktop - I need a wallet file.

You don’t need.
If you have private key you can import it:
Sign Up->private key wallet (third tab)
Fill private key(from your backup), wallet name and password you like
Click create and after that login into wallet.

tells me that the provided private key is not valid

That’s mean you don’t have private key backup.
You can get private key from mobile app by (after login into wallet):

  1. Click More (this one with tree dots in bottom right corner)
  2. Export account
  3. OK
  4. “Show private key” and “I understand”
  5. Use private showed in mobile wallet to create private kew wallet in desktop wallet (as I described above)

Thank you