Doh, could have known it yeah…
Well anyway count me in.
My idea: make a private group at Slack and invite testers there to download and give it a go…
That would be a good idea. If only people would use slack There’s a trello board though so maybe people should just be added there ? I still think github would be the place to handle feedback.
Well most people are just creatures of habit, I guess. In that case I think the github solution would be the best.
So when is the ETA for the mobile apps ?
Its still going to take a while. Mobile devs move kind of slow
We can probably expand the people involved in testing, though.
Guys that have expressed interest in this, you should be getting contacted by Mixmaster. He will be sending you a message with more information.
We also have a Telegram chat on this topic. It isn’t necessary to join, but could be helpful.
Please PM me if you need test XEM!
I was going to test the mobile app today, but when I tried to send a few coins from my desktop wallet to my mobile one, I’ve got this errormessage over and over again. Checked the address twice btw (TCXQO5-GIR5QW-MES7LD-JGQNGV-4X4PLA-AZ33MA-WT34). No clue what’s going on.
Hi Gizfreak,
you are trying to send real XEM to the mobile app, but the mobile app is only availalbe in the test network atm. You can pm mixmaster to get some test XEM to your address for the mobile app testing.
Real NEM adresses start with: N…
Test network addresses start with: T…
Doh, could have known it, now that you mention it. Thanks for the quick response.
Hi everyone,
I would like to let you know statuses on both app versions:
- Android - starting with designs update
- IOS build will hopefully be uploaded this week
I can test the IOS app…
iOS app is being uograded from Swift to Swift 2 so the build that was suppose to come out this week is a little bit delayed.
i would be down to test iOS once it’s uploaded
Boestin what’s your username on telegram or slack?
Xalvation do you have one?
Hey Jabo,
My username is @boest on telegram… username @boestin is a goner, I cant access it anymore from my mobile.
yup, you are already added to the mobile app testing group.
i suggest that all interested people should be in that group, so it is easy to follow new releases etc.
You did the NIS and NCC for mobile? Or just the client?
Could send me the Android installer , please? Thanks!