nanoWallet address not valid according to Bittrex [SOLVED]

This is the message I got back when I tried to send XEM from Bittrex to nanoWallet. Why is my address invalid. I tried it both with and without the dashes several times. I know it is a valid address as I copied it directly. I’ve been unable to use nanoWallet at all … cannot get XEM into it. Please help.

Bittrex error message:
The address you submitted is not valid for the XEM network. Cancel this withdrawal and resubmit it.’

Thank you,


Are you sure?

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This is the address I copied directly from my nanoWallet repeated here: copy & paste:

and they are for sure giving me the error message. I have not been able to use this account yet, so I don’t have a public key … I only have the address, but Bittrex does not ask for the public key.


In my opinion bittrex validate if address exists in blockchain. Because your address is new it’s not. I sent you empty transaction to init it. Please try again :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much pawelm! I see that I am now on the blockchain. Unfortunately, Bittrex still gives me the same error message … invalid address. I am going to send them a screen shot from to show them it exists and see where it goes from there. I agree with you, it seems there should be no excuse now.

In the meantime, if you or anyone else has any ideas, I’m willing to give them a try!

Thanks again!


You could share screenshots from Bittrex. I am also using Bittrex and usually it’s easy-peasy…

I’m now not sure when public key is generated. Maybe when you do first transaction.
I will send you 0.5 xem. Please send me back and we will see.

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I didn’t have someone who sent anything to my new wallet, either, before sending from Bittrex to it. So, this is not what’s happening…

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Maybe bittrex change something. Last try. Send me back and check if in explorer you have generated public key.

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I discovered the problem after doing a more extensive search: When withdrawing XEM from Bittrex to nanoWallet, do NOT include a message. When I left the message field blank, my transaction went right through! (I had been under the wrong impression you must include a message.) Another note I discovered: When sending to Bittrex you MUST include the message they advise you to use or the deposit will not go into your Bittrex wallet. Once you understand this, I find the Bittrex UI and speed to be very good … quick and easy.

Thank you so much for your help in resolving this … I’ve sent you back your XEM plus fees.

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You are correct … the issue was I was including a message with my Bittrex withdrawal … the message field needs to be blank.

Thanks for your help!


Thank you. This is strange why when you include message for withdraw transaction could not be completed. Looks like bug in bittrex. They should fix this. You can report this if you have some time. Sometimes people sending directly to other exchange and this could cause problems.

Of course when you sending to exchange you must include message code. Most exchanges uses one NEM account address and they match user by this message code.

Glad you have find solution (error from bittrex is totally misleading).

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Oh, I will definitely report it! I have a support ticket in to Bittrex … I’ll tell them what the problem is.

Thanks again for your help and attention … greatly appreciated.


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Hi there - I’ve been working through the Bittrex transfer process, all advice has been useful, I think I may have screwed up a little on the way: my first tranfer to my nano wallet seems stuck here:

I did the above yesterday night and after 3 attempts this is as far as it got.

I then went back to it this morning - sent funds via another exchange, to both Bittrex and my nano wallet, with success, and note that the address I got this morning is different:

I have no idea how I ended up with 2 wallets/ addresses, I have kept a meticulous record of the key info … any clues on where I may have gone wrong?

Sorry but I don’t understand. If you do withdraw from exchange you put address where you want withdraw. I don’t understand why first time you put one address and for second one another one. Which address is yours?

Both are mine, I must have created a different address at some stage yesterday evening - and copied the new wallet address directly into Bittrex when transferring funds, these are the funds that are stranded and probably lost.

I have used the other wallet address and funds appear,

I was hoping the addresses would both be linked to my wallet since I only have one private key.

You must generated two separate wallets and each has own private key. It’s not possible that one private key is connected with two wallets. Check if you don’t have second wallet in your nano. If not you probably remove (purge) it.

Interesting - how do I check if there is a second wallet in my nano?

On login page you should have second wallet to choose. You can also try search your disk for all .wlt files.

On first address you have two transactions one from bittrex and second one from different source. Both are made by you?

It’s not possible that address is changing in wallet.

Ok - there is no second wallet, I have no additional .wlt files saved anywhere.

Yep, I made both transactions, one from Bittrex, the other as a test from Poloniex to see if it generated a public key (this is before I realised I had used a different wallet address.

It appears that I am the only person to have used the wallet with stranded funds … I think they are lost Doh!