SPECIAL BOUNTY: get rewarded for organising NEM 101 in your local city.
This is a special bounty open to NEMbers (you must sign up to be a NEMber first: www.bit.ly/NEMbershipApplication).
Up to maximum USD200 in XEMs in sponsorship food, beverage and venue to host a NEM101 (on a claims basis, receipts required - you can raise external sponsorship)
USD200 in XEMs to be shared between organiser(s) of event (minimum 20 people to attend, simple report with pictures to be completed)
USD100 in XEMs to speaker to present NEM101 (Organiser(s) and speaker can be the same person)
Organiser to organise events via Meetup platform - https://www.meetup.com/pro/nem-foundation/ (admin rights will be given)
Max of one (1) NEM101 per city per month.
Materials on how to organise event present NEM101 will be sent to organiser(s) to coordinate with speaker.
NEM101 can be held in conjunction with other meetup events held in your local city.
HOW? Send event proposal with date, time and location to nvalero@nem.foundation and jason@nem.foundation. Event must be within 30 days of proposal. Not all proposal will be accepted, it would depend on how active you are in the NEM community, whether another organiser is hosting something already and other factors.
- To those interested, please join this group: @NEMmeetuporganisers for further questions and support!
Let’s build the NEM community together!