sorry blocktree, but like i said i was able to handle it fine and it had over 100k blocks and over 700k in transactions.
The data is zipped by jetty (at least in theory i didn't check this) so there is no better compression. 30MB in 2 minutes means 2MBit/sec, that is indeed pretty slow nowadays. I think we will raise the timeout limit to 3 minutes, then users should be able to sync even with 1MBit/sec download speed. The data for one sync attempt which downloads 400 blocks at most is pulled from 1 node. The reason you did not have any problems with other cryptos is probably that there not many transactions. For example Nxt has 1 tx/block on average so 400 blocks is consideraby less than 1MB data. I don't know how emunie handles download of the blockchain (i thought they had a block tree?).
Downloading 400 blocks from one node is a problem i know you won't think so just like in the past i have pointed out some flaws in the NEM system and i feel they were not to well received. But you are the developer and i'm a nobody so I guess you know best.