NEM Beta 0.4.39

Beta 0.4.39 is here!

With some nice performance improvements.


    [li]UI fixes (#145, #207), different other changes[/li]
    [li]UI - updated translations[/li]
    [li]Fixed an issue related to transactions validation, this might cause hard fork after FORK BLOCK: 71000
    Although ending up on a fork is highly unlikely, it is suggested to switch to 0.4.39
    [li]There's added HashCache for transactions, which change improves performance, there's also associated configuration option - [tt]nis.transactionHashRetentionTime[/tt] [/li]
    [li]Db performance has been improved, (also thanks to this UI should be bit more responsive)[/li]

    This release is actually much bigger than it sounds, there were lot of changes inside.

    P.S. We've put 7z with recent db on bob, this db REQUIRES 0.4.39: (along with gpg sig)


    NEM requires Java 8
    You can start NCC and NIS with the following link:
    Alternatively, you could just shutdown and restart NEM monitor by double-clicking the NEM icon on the desktop.
    Standalone version:

    Usual Troubleshooting Guide:

      [li]Standalone - shouldn't have issues with this release.[/li]

        [li]kill any running jawa/jawaws processes[/li]
        [li]Go to java control panel, and hit "View…" (can be run with javaws -viewer)

          [li]from "applications" remove both NCC and NIS[/li]
          [li]to be sure check resources and clean them all (this will cause redownload of everything, which might take a bit,
          but should help with most of the problems)[/li]
          [li]There is a detailed post on how to remove the NEM software prior to installing the new version in the ournem forum:
          [li]If you end up on a fork, go to c:\users<i><username>\nem\nis and delete data subdirectory[/li]

          Enjoy the new version :slight_smile:

Don't know how others, restarting NEM-monitor did not update to 0.4.39. Had to start webstart.

@martismartis: thx for the info, we will test that next time (forgot to test it this time).

Don't know how others, restarting NEM-monitor did not update to 0.4.39. Had to start webstart.

I closed NEM Monitor -> restart pc -> and started NEM monitor again. It downloaded everything and it's showin 0.4.39-beta. I think it was a one-off problem for you martis.

yes, simply stopping and starting nem monitor shortcut worked for me.

Some problems
1. Decimals behaving crazy. The decimals do not stop at 6 places, they keep on going and increase the sending amount by a lot.
2. Stuck at block 69876 for 10 minutes and the generation of blocks in the block explorer is fast.

Sigma Graph is every time better:

But clicking over some node:

We need a very clear "door opening manual" to this people. Its not an easy task explain to someone this procedure.


4.39 won't load for me and stuck in    Deactivating remote harvesting… both my accounts ?

Ok 4.39 loaded  , I still have one of my accounts in Deactivating remote harvesting and can't change

NCC works much better now. Good job.

We need a very clear "door opening manual" to this people. Its not an easy task explain to someone this procedure. :)

Maybe implement firewall upnp in future build?

I need help. I have created about 52 accounts in my wallet and when I click on a secondary account, NCC hangs and does not respond or sync. Also the harvesting shows "unknown status". I need those accounts for the POI competition. What should I do to be able to open those accounts without hanging NCC???
Those accounts opened nicely in 0.4.36 but 0.4.39 hangs. I have been trying since last night. Please help!!

EDIT: NCC and NIS both work fine if I stay on the primary account but the moment I click on a secondary account- NCC hangs and NIS stops synchronising ???

Hi iaminitnow06,

I cannot help without NIS/NCC logs. Can you provide them?

Bloody Rookie

I also have problems with switching accounts. It did switch to my second account but now Im not able to get back to my primary account again.

Im still testing something else, when this is done, I will provide you the logs.

i am getting NIS is not running, when i start NIS from NEM Monitor then again get the same error, already deleted NEM from Java Cache  ???

EDIT: Removed everything from NEM folder except the .wlt file and now its working.

i am running the standalone version and i didnt have to delete anything from the working directory (logs, h2 db, .wlt etc).

but i always delete the complete app directory (where the .bat/.sh run scripts are in) before i run a new version.

never had any problems this way.

Using standalone on linux, everything was working fine last night, today NCC won't boot getting 500 and 306 error. Using newest beta I also had auto boot setup. Made a new wallet didn't help.

EDIT: log file here

Just for testing, I tryed to delete database and synchronize from scratch.

Now my node is synchronizing very slowly beacuse rejects most updates:

16:53:30 INFO failed to synchronize with Node [Alice <TALICELCD3XPH4FFI5STGGNSNSWPOTG5E4DS2TOS>] @ []: org.nem.core.connect.FatalPeerException: remote node is evil: REMOTE_RETURNED_INVALID_HASHES (org.nem.nis.BlockChain a)

16:53:33 INFO failed to synchronize with Node [jusan <TBJUSANZ63AKNJ57XMK6Y2IBH55UNNRXJFZRDTRW>] @ []: org.nem.core.connect.FatalPeerException: remote node is evil: REMOTE_RETURNED_INVALID_HASHES (org.nem.nis.BlockChain a)

16:53:40 INFO failed to synchronize with Node [UFightO <TDEQS6SVD6REQ3YQ2CQZDZZ5D4CQEVPREYW5SD6P>] @ []: org.nem.core.connect.FatalPeerException: remote node is evil: REMOTE_RETURNED_INVALID_HASHES (org.nem.nis.BlockChain a)

16:53:54 INFO failed to synchronize with Node [jusan <TBJUSANZ63AKNJ57XMK6Y2IBH55UNNRXJFZRDTRW>] @ []: org.nem.core.connect.FatalPeerException: remote node is evil: REMOTE_RETURNED_INVALID_HASHES (org.nem.nis.BlockChain a)

Just ask me if you need my db and logs.

Using standalone on linux, everything was working fine last night, today NCC won't boot getting 500 and 306 error. Using newest beta I also had auto boot setup. Made a new wallet didn't help.

EDIT: log file here

Those are the NCC logs, I need the NIS logs :)

@rigel: NIS logs would be very helpful as a first step.

Edit: Node rigel1 ( seems to be synchronized.

Using standalone on linux, everything was working fine last night, today NCC won't boot getting 500 and 306 error. Using newest beta I also had auto boot setup. Made a new wallet didn't help.

EDIT: log file here

Those are the NCC logs, I need the NIS logs :)
Doh! here you go