Beta 0.5.18 is here!
This release changes DB format. Initial migration might take QUITE A WHILE (14 mins on VPS), and resulting db will be twice larger
(that's due to way migrations work). So if you're running on low-power node it might be good idea, to synch from scratch, instead of making a migration
[li]changed handling of db blocks, and removed redundand field[/li]
[li]fixed bug that could block harvesting (related to multisig transactions validation), KUDOS/thx to spammers[/li]
[li]limiting node names to 128 bytes, check http://localhost:7890/node/extended-info[/li]
[li]improved time-synching[/li]
[li]overall in last few releases, we've addressed A LOT in code TODOs, now nis is below 20[/li]
[li]UI changes and closed issues (doesn't mean solved ;)):
[li]changed confirmations count display (current block == 1 confirmation)[/li]
[li]fixed labels displaying in some places[/li]
[li]added warning when trying to boot remote node[/li]

NEM requires Java 8
You can start NCC and NIS with an installer from the following link:
Standalone version:
Enjoy the new version