NEM Beta 0.6.82

NEM Beta 0.6.82

##There will be a fee fork at height 875000 (which is roughly at the end of November) where a new fee structure will kick in.


1) New fee structure:
a) Transfer Transaction:
i) Non-mosaic XEM transfers pay 1 XEM per 10_000 XEM transferred, capped at 25 XEM. Transactions under 20_000 XEM pay 1 XEM.
examples: 4 XEM fee for a 45_000 XEM transfer, 12 XEM fee for 125_000 XEM transfer, 25 XEM for a 500_000 XEM transfer.
ii) Mosaics with a divisibility of 0 and a maximum supply of 10_000 are called small business mosaics. The fee is 1 XEM for any transfer of a small business mosaics.
For other mosaics, the formula is more complicated. Basically, a XEM equivalent for the mosaic transfer is calculated and then i) is applied. To compensate for mosaics that have considerably lower supply than the XEM mosaic, a supply related adjustment is made to that fee. This leads to considerably lower fees for mosaics with low supply.
Formula: x = number of mosaics transferred, fee = Max(1, Min(25, x * 900_000 / MosaicSupply) - floor(0.8 * ln(9_000_000_000_000_000 / MosaicSupply * 10^divisibility)))
iii) messages: 1 xem per commenced 32 message bytes (fee = floor(messageLength / 32) + 1).

b) Provisioning a namespace:
fee for the transaction: 20 XEM
fee for root namespace provisioning: 5000 XEM
fee for sub-namespace provisioning: 200 XEM

c) Mosaic creation and changing a mosaic definition:
fee for the transaction: 20 XEM
fee for mosaic creation or changing its definition: 500 XEM

d) Fee for other transaction types to stay the same.

2) Maximum message is increased from 160 to 320 bytes.

3) There is a new API request /transaction/get to lookup a transaction by hash.
To fully support hash based transaction lookup, a node must set the entry in the NIS ( nis.transactionHashRetentionTime to -1.
This means all transaction hashes in the blockchain are held in memory and therefore is only recommended for nodes with at least 2GB memory.
At least the nodes with the following ips will fully support the lookup:
BigAlice3: (Germany)
HashService1: (USA)
HashService2: (Hong Kong)
HashService3: (Netherlands)
BigAlice2: (USA)
MedAlice2: (USA)

This upgrade is mandatory.

If you’re using the installer, make sure to stop running NCC and NIS before running the installer!

NEM requires Java 8
Remember the installer requires 64-bit Java
You can download Java from official page:

You can start NCC and NIS with an installer from the following link:
Standalone version:


FYI your link to the installer is no good. = 404

Thx for pointing out.

bump. everybody please update. supernodes have 10 more days. regular nodes still have almost 3 weeks.

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nem-docker update with this version:

how much is the fee for apostile service?

Starting next month the fee for a private, updatable, and transferable blockchain notarization is 6 XEM.

If you want a public and static time stamp it is only 4 XEM.


Ive updated some days ago to the 0.6.82 wallet and before that all was going good, but since I updated NIS is not working anymore so I can´t enter my Wallet. Could be because Ive have installed Nano wallet some days before?

Any solution to let if perfect again, like unistalling and installing all again?


could you give me a bit more information, please?
Are you running a local NIS or are you using a remote NIS?
By “can’t enter my wallet” you mean precisely what? I mean what doesn’t work what has worked before you upgraded to 0.6.82?

Sorry heheh, really I can enter my wallet but it doesnt load my balance of XEM, I have exacly this error ERROR 305

I think Im running a local NiS but Im not sure, how do I know that?

Did you use the installer or do you run the standalone version?
If the former then there is a tray icon which displays the status for NIS and NCC.

It was the installer nemwallet-0.6.82-windows-installer

The tray Icon display 2 grey spaces and right one green, it says NIS is stoped, and NCC is being executed ( or something like this, I have it in spanish)

So now you have 2 possibilities, you can

  1. just change the config to point to a remote NIS like
  2. upload the most recent zipped NIS logs to a file server and providing a link to the zip file here in this thread so i can download and analyze the logs.

How do I make this? just change the config to point to a remote NIS like

in the browser wallet, click on settings on the left. In the popup enter the host:

Ok, Iwas running a localhost on port 7890

I suposse it is secure to use a remote NIS right? sorry for my ignorance heheh

yes, it is secure.

Done, but still same problem. Do I have to put same Port?

You don’t see the message “NIS is synchronized!” at the top?