I have to invest in cryptocurrency as it has a huge scope and I want to start nem crypto mining with DigitalOcean hosting server. For that I initially read a lot about What is DigitalOcean and now I have enough knowledge of the hosting server. So, I have my eyes set for the nem cryptocurrency now. So, if any of you have any recommendation for me. So, please go ahead.
Nem no minning. Is PoI. Delegated.
@JaimeClark , lol you chilling Digital Ocean and wanting to improve on their web traffic stats or you serious about this.
Anyways, you have 2 options:
1: setup a supernode, which directly strengthens the nem blockchain network and you are in a way investing in the blockchain and contributing to it as well. Going to need some capital for this one, but you will get returns on this one. https://nem.io/xem/supernode-program/
2: Create wallet, vest balance and Harvest : Much less capital required. You need to maintain a vested balance of 10 000 xem. There is no guarantee of returns or the amounts of returns. Also the Higher you POI score the higher the possibility of harvesting. https://nem.io/xem/harvesting-and-poi/
Best of luck, hope you select option 1.