NEM Foundation Update - January 2019 (Part II)

Dear community,

We would like to emphasise that every single one of you as part of the community play an important role in the progress of NEM Foundation. We exist to serve and support the community. With the new leadership, there will be a few changes which will put us on a more focused path. Below are a few highlights you can look forward to:

Strong focus on 3 key areas

For 2019, NEM Foundation will have a laser focus on Catapult, Governance and Sustainability. In the coming weeks, we will start to roll out strategies that will relate to these areas. The council has also agreed that every decision made during council meetings have a ‘community best interest’ policy. We are meeting twice a week since we came onboard and the decisions we are making have the best interest of the community in mind.

Also, we are still about 3 weeks into our roles as council members, we are working to ensure that we serve the community best but do be patient when it comes towards prioritising these 3 key areas towards the future direction of NEM.

A change in the NEM Foundation structure

We are going to have several changes with the NEM Foundation structure – we will have more focus on key priorities driven as a product-focused organisation.

The previous structure was based on a regional head model. The model worked since 2017 when NEM Foundation was tasked to function as a ‘promotional’ organisation – where effort was placed primarily on awareness, education and marketing.

Now in 2019, the direction will focus as a product-focused organisation. There will be key ‘product’ areas that will drive NEM Foundation forward which has been defined in these areas - Technology, Product Management, Finance, Business Development, Operations, Marketing and Revenue.

The regional head leadership will move to being the product-focused leaders as the operational layer who will work with the Executive Committee and Council Members in driving the strategic direction of NEM Foundation. The operational level will own the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and will be accountable to the council and community. If you have questions, do post it in the comments section.

Commitment towards high standards

We will be looking to put in place a number of policies which will help our employees clarify their roles and to provide transparency to the community. For example, we will be sharing an ethics and professional conduct policy so that our team should know what we should and should not do as a NEM Foundation employee. There will be more information provided in due time.

Finally, it is with our best intentions to see NEM Foundation start the year strong as we focus on Catapult Development, Governance and Sustainability. The best is yet to come and as we continue to work hand-in-hand with you as part of the community.

Best wishes,
NEM Secretariat Office
on behalf of the
NEM Executive Committee and Council Members


I can confirm the new Council has been working really hard and has been working really well together.

Just to give you one point of perspective. The old council met once a month. This one meets twice a week.


Thanks for the update Secretariat Office.


Russian translation!!!

Уважаемое сообщество!

Мы хотели подчеркнуть, что каждый из Вас как член сообщества играет важную роль в развитии фонда NEM.
Мы существуем, чтобы служить сообществу и поддерживать его.
С новым руководством произойдет несколько изменений, которые поставят нас на более целенаправленный путь.
Ниже приведены несколько основных моментов, которых Вы ждете с нетерпением:

Значительный акцент на 3 ключевых области,в 2019 году фонд NEM будет фокусироваться на Catapult, системе управления и устойчивому развитию.
В предстоящие несколько недель мы приступим к разработке стратегий, которые будут касаться этих областей.
Совет также согласился с тем, что каждое решение, принятое на заседаниях, должно быть"в интересах сообщества".
Мы встречаемся два раза в неделю с тех пор, как мы официально приступили к работе, и решения, которые мы принимаем соответствуют интересам сообщества.

Кроме того, мы работаем только три недели в качестве членов нового совета.

Изменение структуры NEM Foundation

У нас будет несколько изменений в структуре Фонда NEM – мы будем уделять больше внимания ключевым приоритетам, ориентированным
на продукт.

Предыдущая структура была основана на модели регионального руководителя.
Модель работала с 2017 года, когда фонду NEM было поручено функционировать в качестве ‘рекламной’ организации – все усилия были сосредоточены в первую очередь на
информировании, образовании и маркетинге.

Теперь в 2019 году направление будет ориентировано на выпуск готового продукта.
Будут сформированы ключевые направления деятельности, которые будут двигать фонд NEM вперед. Определены следующие направления - технологии, управление продуктами(готовые решения), финансы,
деловое сотрудничество, операционная деятельность, маркетинг и источники доходов.

Региональное руководство перейдет к тому, что будет ориентированно на продукт в качестве связующего звена,
которое будет работать с Исполнительным комитетом и членами Совета в области продвижения стратегических направлений Фонда NEM.
Эта категория региональных руководителей будет оцениваться с помощью ключевых показателей эффективности (КПЭ) и будет подотчетна Совету и Сообществу.
Если у вас есть вопросы, разместите их в разделе комментариев.

Приверженность высоким стандартам

Мы будем стремиться внедрить ряд стратегий, которые помогут нашим сотрудникам уточнить свое место в структуре и обеспечить прозрачность для сообщества.
Например, мы будем осуществлять контроль за этикой и профессиональным поведением, чтобы наша команда знала, что мы должны и не должны делать как сотрудники Фонда NEM.
В ближайшее время будет предоставлена дополнительная информация.

И в заключении, мы на самом деле стремимся к тому, чтобы фонд NEM начал год как можно продуктивнее, поскольку мы сосредоточены на развитии Catapult, системе управления и устойчивому развитию.
Лучшее ждет нас впереди и мы продолжаем работать рука об руку с Вами, как с частью нашего сообщества.

С наилучшими пожелания,
Офис Секретариата NEM
от имени
Исполнительного комитет и членов Совета Nem.

Thanks for the update.
As transparency was mentioned many times, I have two queries.

  1. Who is the owner of the funds? Which funds are owned by foundation? I am asking about funds like silver coin fund, unconventional marketing fund, NEM ecosystem loop fund etc.
  2. More transparency and automation in bounties would be very much appreciated. I propose a shared Google sheet where all the bounties will be recorded by nember ID. There could be a comment on if/when the bounty will be paid and what amendments need to be done, e.g. change the bounty amount in the invoice. Currently I need to engage with the bounty team each time there is a discrepancy, I don’t know if the bounty is being processed or forgotten. The team is responsive but I’d rather not discuss nearly every case personally.
    Also we as community don’t know who is getting bounties so there is possibility that some of the funds might get to the wrong hands.

“The regional head leadership will move to being the product-focused leaders as the operational layer who will work with the Executive Committee and Council Members in driving the strategic direction of NEM Foundation. The operational level will own the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and will be accountable to the council and community”

This sounds like a good model…

For the Reimbursements and finance, I think Finance will introduce a good portal now to be used, one can track the status and approvals.


Great job!!! Thanks @jabo38 @jason.lee

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There is an on going audit of funds internally controlled by the Foundation. Alex will make a summary report on it as to the community when the numbers are finalized. It’s been harder than she thought because all this month people put in claims going back some months that weren’t handled before.

Per bounties. As far as I know all community marketing bounties are on hold right now.

When they start back up, the person in charge should try to make it more clear and streamlined. That is a good suggestion.


Thanks for the vote of confidence, we are doing our level best to ensure all finance, reimbursements are activites are conducted with the highest standard possible. The teams gets on calls almost every day with different timezones to make sure we serve the community in the best way possible.


we need news for catapult day out

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I agree with presenting the catapult roadmap, but I think that if the team is taking time to respond is because they are doing so so that the day that comes to light is perfect.:wink:

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nem is blooding 1 year now from coin check hack one year ago

every coin is going down :)). It s a beartrend,but you are right…
We need a catapult roadmap.and some good news.+marketing

of course we have new council but nothing big until now

be patient…
I m sure Alex and her team will made a good work.
We are waiting for a response/news from her :slight_smile:

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There is a team working hard on this and there will be roadmap release, target is by end of Q1 2019.

Yes the aim is respond once a month if not twice a month or more.

Thanks for the concern @jelin1984, @eddy and @Gabi_Oproiu - we are pushing hard to ensure this is being prioritised - the catapult roadmap and news on it.

better two comments per month than some nembers are posting nerviosos😊

Catapult wont change much for nem (from price surge perspective). Current sentiment towards crypto is bearish. I am afraid it will stay that way before crypto offer real life practical implementation.

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catapult will change a lot …simple that
at bear market NEM will be HOLD AS good coin
if not out soon …at bear market with BTC at 800 $ NEM IS DEAD

Thanks for the update and look forward to building a better future at NEM together! Appreciate all the hard work from EXCO and Council Members!