NEM redemption process - request for comment

Here is how the NEM redemption process looks:

We are interested in hearing your thoughts and feedback before we move forward with it.  :slight_smile:

Thanks for posting this IMPORTANT news xtester! I encourage all interested NEMsters to read the linked document and share their thoughts.

This sounds good to me. My only request is that the instructions be written out as clearly as possible to reduce confusion and the inevitable complaints from people when things do not go exactly as planned. Of course, I'll also be happy to help write out and proofread the instructions to make them as accessible as possible. :slight_smile:

This sounds good to me. My only request is that the instructions be written out as clearly as possible to reduce confusion and the inevitable complaints from people when things do not go exactly as planned. Of course, I'll also be happy to help write out and proofread the instructions to make them as accessible as possible. :)

You want to give it a try? Let's see your interpretation. If it is what the instruction says, then it would be good.

I will give my instructions on a step by step point form, or in a flow chart format. Pictorial rather than wordy description, taking into consideration of how some people will get confused with NEMstakes and "direct claims".

I think we need to tell those people who did not participate in the initial program but participated later by buying through the AE a very clear way of claiming their coins (i.e., phase 2).

Something like this:

If you bought your NEMStakes from the AE OR if you have a NEMStake(s) do this:



If you have participated and are eligible to get your NEM Coins in the initial handouts but you have not claimed your NEMStakes subsequently, do this...


Forget about Phase 1 or Phase 2. Too confusing.

You presented the two alternatives in sequence but people have to follow just one of them.
I suggest splitting the text in two distinct ones, one for each procedure.

You presented the two alternatives in sequence but people have to follow just one of them.
I suggest splitting the text in two distinct ones, one for each procedure.

I agree with this. Let's just have it so there is one page to go to. From there, the user will have two clear options: one on the left, one on the right.

One will be "Stakeholders who bought in from the NXT Asset Exchange or have already received their stake on the NXT Asset Exchange, click here."

The other will be "Stakeholders who are claiming their stake from the BitcoinTalk Forums, click here."

From there, step by step instructions follow for each method as appropriate.

I'm busy with work at the moment so I can't write anything up in too much detail, but I will try to get a draft of something ASAP. Maybe we can put it up on Google Docs so we can collaboratively edit more easily. Let's discuss this more once we get some additional feedback from the community. :)

Thanks for the feedback everyone.

@Amy @rockethead Looking forward to that draft and flow chart.  :slight_smile:


Hey guys, what do you think? This is a draft for the redemption instructions for NXT AE stakeholders only. If it's good, I'll do another one for BitcoinTalk stakeholders in the same style.

Feedback please!

Looks really nice !
Messages should NOT be encrypted though. It's not really sensitive data and that way it's way easier for me to automate the process.

Looks really nice !
Messages should NOT be encrypted though. It's not really sensitive data and that way it's way easier for me to automate the process.

I was wondering about that, actually. I'll change the screenshot!

EDIT: Screenshot changed in the original post so that [Encrypt Message] is not selected.

Looks really nice !
Messages should NOT be encrypted though. It's not really sensitive data and that way it's way easier for me to automate the process.

I was wondering about that, actually. I'll change the screenshot!

EDIT: Screenshot changed in the original post so that [Encrypt Message] is not selected.

I would suggest that it's explained in the tutorial to NOT encrypt messages as well, just to further clarify. Remember during transfer of an asset on NXT, the encrypt checkbox is automatically ticked.

Looks really nice !
Messages should NOT be encrypted though. It's not really sensitive data and that way it's way easier for me to automate the process.

I was wondering about that, actually. I'll change the screenshot!

EDIT: Screenshot changed in the original post so that [Encrypt Message] is not selected.

I would suggest that it's explained in the tutorial to NOT encrypt messages as well, just to further clarify. Remember during transfer of an asset on NXT, the encrypt checkbox is automatically ticked.

Good point. I will add that in as well.

EDIT: Updated.

I guess the receipient should say TBD as well. Otherwise it could be confusing and people start sending their assets to that address :slight_smile:

I guess the receipient should say TBD as well. Otherwise it could be confusing and people start sending their assets to that address :)

Well, the client wouldn't let them (it is an invalid address), and hopefully people understand this is a draft/mock-up and won't try to actually send anything anywhere yet.

I'll change it to TBD in later revisions though until the address is finalized.

It can't be easier than this for NXT AE holders. Original stakeholders may need to drop a sweat but it seems fairly easy too.

Would it be possible to buildin a way that we know we're using the right website to fill in the token in the registration phase?

As I understand it now this will happen:
1. we get a pm with a string on BTT
2. there's an announcement which website to go to fillin the string.
3. we go there and fillin the string, hit enter

If the announcment was a fake one, someone has a lot of tokens all of a sudden.

Maybe it could be something like this:
1. we get 3 unique strings send in the PM on BTT
2. Then there's the announcement of where to go
3. fillin 1st string, hit the ok button
4. website shows 2nd string
5. we know it's the right site and fillin the 3rd part and hit enter.

Would it be possible to buildin a way that we know we're using the right website to fill in the token in the registration phase?

As I understand it now this will happen:
1. we get a pm with a string on BTT
2. there's an announcement which website to go to fillin the string.
3. we go there and fillin the string, hit enter

If the announcment was a fake one, someone has a lot of tokens all of a sudden.

Maybe it could be something like this:
1. we get 3 unique strings send in the PM on BTT
2. Then there's the announcement of where to go
3. fillin 1st string, hit the ok button
4. website shows 2nd string
5. we know it's the right site and fillin the 3rd part and hit enter.

I'd rather make it simpler: send each user a personalized URL including his unique string.

All he has to do is click on the link and insert his NEM address

A couple of more criticisms perhaps:

1.) detail how to bring up this menu in the first place, ie:

Go to NXT wallet>Asset exchange>My Assets

Click "Transfer" next to NEMstake

2.) Stress NOT TO USE NEM ALPHA wallet address in the message field.

Isn't the redemption window rather short?
Due to business, illness, or whatever, some people might miss it.

How long do you think it should be?