NEM’s Prototype Project Bounty Program

Owon is working on the paper wallet. Nikhil made the changelly module.

Other suggestions for projects are possible.

We still need a Nano wallet fork for mobile. That would have to be discussed but would be a bigger project and bounty.

There are other app examples too that would be nice, like a mobile option for Apostille.

Owon has made this paper wallet and released it. Voucher & Paper Wallet Generator

“How to make a better block explorer for NEM”

maybe the following project can give some help: (host in LA) here to see how it works, the server will keep online for few months.


that looks really great! just in time too as we need another blockchain explorer!

@gd_kuaile is it possible to PM on Telegram so we can chat?

Gd_kuaile is making a nice blockchain explorer, and some people from NEM Japan have been working on Testnet faucets that are now up and working. :slight_smile:


Play with my SBMF (Small Business Mosaic Faucet ) :slight_smile:
I write usage of SBMF in English.

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I campaign at my SBMF !!! :gift:
I will send 300XEM (mainnet) to six address of who GET namutest:daikichi Mosaic from SBMF ! Try !

I finish it on January 3 midnight.


your blog has been posted :slight_smile:

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Got it, thanks!

I wrote blog about NEM testnet Faucet in Japanese. :wink:

Thank you. Let’s try to get that translated into English!

Should I translate it in English?
But I heard that ‘Your documet is translated by’ on telegram.
What’s happend ? :disappointed_relieved:

I’m still waiting on a translation. I haven’t seen the English version yet.

translation for faucet project has been given and has been proofed. will post soon

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Davide has submitted a code and blog on how to make a telegram notification bot.

It would also be nice to have a general email service set up where anybody could sign up and get email notifications about their account status and updates.

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RB2 has submitted a blog on how to use Docker. Thanks to RB2 for that.

added options for hardware wallets and offline transaction signer app system.

added bounty for tipper bot


The bounty :

How to make a NEM notifier application that sends emails and/or Telegram bot that sends messages when an alarm notice happens (alarms: low balance, transaction happened, etc.) on a watched account. Bounty: 75,000 XEM **(submitted)

Where could I find it?

Thanks! :slight_smile: