NEM Supernode Rewards Program

Do you have deal in sight?
The thing is, if i am willing to do that, then other people might want me to do the same for them. And i don’t want to end up being the trusted third party for 100 such deals ^^

Yes but I have not proposed this particular solution to them.

That is understandable. I will continue to research how to accomplish this via a smart contract. If XEM is the “programmable money” I understand it to be then this should be possible.

Thanks anyways!

I know when I start a new supernode the first two rounds of test will always fail. If I change ip and server, do I have to wait until 3rd round of test again to see the true result?

Yea, i would give it a bit more time.

Please disable supernode

If you were the one sending the message to my account, i disabled that node seraphim.

BloodyRookie you said that it is possible to use delegated harvesting on wallet using for supernode. Will i receive both rewards for supernode and delegated harvesting?


Can you please show me how rewards from supernode looks in wallet? I go to harvested blocks and found there 99 xem, but i can not understand if it is for delegated harvesting of for supernode.

here are the latest supernode payouts:

Harvested are not shown as transactions in the wallet while supernode payouts are regular transactions with sender and recipient.

Owner of supernode #471 with alias ru: Please PM me.

Please disable supernode: probureau


my system is late in blockchain height
Output {“height”:1110046}

While all’ the other nodes are

What could be the reason?

In the NIS log i notice there is a strange message
Never seen before, repeatedly:
received transaction that failed validation: FAILURE_TRANSACTION_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_REMOTE (org.nem.nis.dfc a)

Could be this transaction is slowing down nis.
The CPU usage for NIS process is 20%
and system is not swapping, it’s nis
calculating something.

Other worse log messages are like this, with number of block changing:
synchronizeNodeInternal -> chain inconsistent: calling undoTxesAndGetScore() (78 blocks). (org.nem.nis.sync.BlockChainUpdater c)

Nembex’s node list has not been updated.

The message will also be displayed in the NanoWallet.
It is displayed when you try to transfer money to Deligate Account (Remote Account).

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Strange…could you shutdown NIS, backup the db, restart NIS and see if it is syncing then?
I would be interested to get that db to analyze what the problem is.

This is the db

NIS is restarting now with FINER log
and db from scratch by bob

Test1: restarted NIS with db from Bob, db was at height ~1002000. My node synced without problems.
Test2: restarted NIS with db quasarblue supplied. The fork was resolved immediately and NIS synced without problems.

Not sure what the problem with your node is/was. Can you check that the node is using all 0.6.87 jars and there are no old 0.6.84 jars around in your installation?