NEM Supernode Rewards Program

Thanks but there seems to be a problem.

I noticed the IP was changed this morning already ( 6 AM GMT ) so by this time I would expect some tests performed for the next round. But that’s not the case.

The node answers chain height request and the servant replies to the meta data request. So both NIS and servant are active.

Let’s wait a few rounds :slight_smile:

You are using the wrong boot key for your nis. The servant dependend tests work, the nis tests not. Please use the same key for booting nis as the one you use for the servant.

Oh no, seems I am one of your troublesome customers :blush:
Apparently I had two files, so you know what happened…

Should be fixed now.

I got the messages (saw that I received the message from the previous round as well).

I can’t see them at though. Just sayin’

Which VPS services would you recommend for hosting a supernode? Which VPS services do you have positive experince from? Which have the lowest cost?

I think that question should be answered by other users as well because they have experience too :slight_smile:
Since we still need more vpses in asia (for example HongKong for our chinese users) i will recomment the provider HostUs for that location:

2GB are good enough for a supernode and the provider has been reliable in the past. The only thing i would want the provider to change is to allow Debian instead of CentOs as Operating system.

My Node Nr. 107 Passes most Tests, but sometimes not the Version Test. Is there anything I can do about it?
I´m running 0.6.74.

My node nr 96 is failing bandwith, computing power and ping with no results showing. I checked that the servant and the nis are running. What can be the reason for this?

My guess is your servant is not configured with the correct private key.
The public key in : should be your remote account public key. But those two don’t match.

xpedite is right, the key in the servant configuration must be wrong.

Hmm…sometimes your node just doesn’t seem to answer the /node/info request used for the version test. Not sure why though since it does answer the chain height request happening at the same time…

Your node is failing in other tests too sometimes, it seems a bit unstable in general.

I just started my NIS with autoboot and now get a “something really bad happened: java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: FAILURE_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT”.

In at line 43 I changed the line to something like
nis.bootKey = 006bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I got the bootKey by opening my wallet with delegated harvesting, then “View account details” -> “Show Remote’s Account Private Key”.

What did I miss? Is it because the 6hrs haven’t passed yet?

Start NIS first with “nis.shouldAutoHarvestOnBoot = false”. Wait till NIS is syncronised . Then start Nis again with autoboot.

Thanks @garm, I just copied my local blockchain data to the vps to boost the process and now it seems to work (except that harvesting is “ineligible” for the moment).

That must be it, I changed it to the delegated private key.
Thanks Xpedite and BloodyRookie

Wierd, is not updating the key, does it take a while to update it?

I’m not sure but I would suppose that after restart, you will immediately see the new info.
Did you restart the servant ?

yes, I even restarted the server a couple of times.

And you’re sure you don’t have two files?
( It happened to me last week with the for NIS :wink: )