NEM Supernode Rewards Program

@andme: do they have an english website? What is the price for a 2GB node?

I am using their services as a home user. optic cable to the home. 2 GB node in my case would be 3 times more expensive than a home user, about $ 20 per month. but whether it will solve the problem, tracing will be the same. If the vps, so then from the standart list (Hostus, Digital Ocean…) out of russia. But I would like to debug the home user version.

@andme: so you got no experience with vps providers in russia?

Eidt: What’s yout ping time to ?

I do not have such experience.
Ping to is 35 ms.

that sounds pretty good. It is a provider in St. Petersburg. I am considering setting up nodes there to help you guys.
@martismartis: how good is your ping to that ip?

my ping 55 ms

The problem might be that there are quite a few hops to your location since there is no node nearby. Most of the vpses are virtualizations like openVZ and you cannot configure the tcp buffer used. The leads to a lot of transfers of small packets unfortunately.
@gimre, any idea?

I’m not using any vps, it’s my home pc running supernode.

@martismartis: applies to your home node as well. You need other nodes nearby to pass the bandwidth test.
Ping looks ok to me, maybe i should give it a try.

@BloodyRookie : aren’t supernodes supposed to work independently, not depending from nearby nodes? Or I missed something?

The problem is that a node might be a very good node with high bandwidth within a country, but degrading in performance with connections outside the country. For example i had a single node in Australia. For people in Australia that node is convenient and fast. But Since there were no other nodes in Australia at that time it was failing the bandwidth test. It actually has high bandwidth but how should a node far away from Australia test that?
That is why I think it is only fair to cluster nodes a bit to have a proof that the node itself is good.

Yesterday I optimized network settings using Kerish Doctor
Maintenance > Internet Booster > Fast > Next > Optimize …
Upload has increased from 4,4…5,2 to 7…8 Mbit/s.
I did not expect the effect, because in cause the previous provider Kerish Doctor did not help. In that case the upload a was 4…5 and stayed 4…5. Now it is three tests gave upload 7,8…8,1 Mbit/s, I hope that it is a stable effect.

Or St. Petersburg node already began working?

no, didn’t have time yet to set up a node.

is there a way to show who/how many are harvesting on a supernode?

You cant’ enumerate all harvesters on that node.
There is the request /account/unlocked/info which is a POST request so it is not so easy to do it in a browser. There are plugins though which help. It return the number of harvesters that are harvesting on the node and the maximum of harvesters that are allowed to harvest on the node.

I want another Account to autostart delegated harvesting with one of my SNs. Where should I put the key?

In the there is the entry

nis.additionalHarvesterPrivateKeys =

Put your additional key(s) there. If using more than one additional key, you have to pipe separte them e.g.

nis.additionalHarvesterPrivateKeys = < first key >|< second key >

(no spaces between keys, just a |).

The following nodes have been deactivated due to missing balance on the account:


You can ask me (either here in the thread or via PM) to activate the node again once your account has the necessary balance that a supernode requires.

I added this to Should work too, right?


I’m having a really weird problem. My supernode NemNuong passed every test except for version.
I have the latest version of the client and NIS 6.7.7.
All 3 port forward is working, can someone advise?