NEM Supernode Rewards Program

Dear Bloody Rookie

Okay. I will retry to make a supernode by correct private key tomorrow.
Please respond to that.
See you again tomorrow!

Thank you.

from koji ito

You only need to change the key in the two config files and restart NIS and Servant. Nothing else is needed.

Dear BR

Okay thanks.
I will try it!

Thank you.

Hello Hinet1981,
for technical questions, you can always ask here in the forum. Many people will help you then.
Only technical questions, I hope you respect this.
It isn´t a “drugstore” or a place for pharmacy crime. The NEM blockchain isn´t anonymous.
I hope I understood you correctly.

This is Infomation.

Recently, I feel like I often see the contents whose height is not updated.
Finally the same thing happened to my SN.
I have not touched it once since 31st July, but only height suddenly failed in 2 consecutive days.
However, it was fixed by rebooting.

The log at that time can be submitted, so please say it if necessary.


The log would be helpful.
Generally i think restarting NIS every 2 months is a good idea.

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Dear Bloody Rookie

I change private key of my supernode just now.(ip:

Please check my supernode, and respond to that.

Thank you.

looks good to me. Let’s see if the node passes tests now.

It is a log file until Block height is not updated.
This SuperNode started on July 31st and has not restarted at all until this log is output.

There are two files.

start_error_log.txt: 4.5MB
It is a log of the part where problems come out little by little from the normal state.
From 2017-11-20 18:04:18.400, the line “WARNING forcibly aborting request to” appears. At the same time, the line of “INFO skipping refresh of blacklisted node” also increases in conjunction.

last_40m_log.txt: 554KB
It is a log in which block update is completely impossible.
It is a log of about 40 minutes.

After starting NIS, there was no log named “WARNING forcibly aborting request to”.
Height is not updated anymore, it is out for the first time about one day ago.
When this log appears, the situation gets worse and you can not update the height eventually.


So is the node working again after restart?

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The problem is here:

2017-11-20 18:01:16.323 WARNING Timer SYNC raised exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

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It means after restarting on July 31st.
I’m sorry in poor English.

GC’s Overhead limit -> Out of memory
That is the new trigger.

When falling into this situation, should I think that something I reported may begin to occur?
“Java.lang.OutOfMemoryError” When this keyword is detected, consider whether to restart NIS automatically.

By the way, the first time Java.lang.OutOfMemoryError came out, it will be 2017-11-19 12: 13: 31.017.

The startup option at this time is Java8 default GC, -Xms1G - Xmx1G.

It can also be read that the stop time for GC has exceeded the specified value.
It may be improved by GC change (G1GC etc).

However, I think that the essence of this is the following contents.
GC overhead limit exceeded comes out, it seems that GC is running all the time.
If only to eliminate the error, it is possible with -XX: -UseGCOverheadLimit, but performance problems remain.

I think that legitimate correspondence will increase heap size.

In “Try” “Catch” phrase, I thought about something I can not do, but I think that it is not possible in case of this error.

Thank you very much.


New Supernodes are registered.
Check out it ,please.

Thank you

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@mizunashi: 1GB heap is enough to run NIS for some time, but after 3 month the memory seems to be fragmented and the garbage collector has to do its work more and more often. I therefore recomment to restart NIS once a month when you run with only 1GB of heap.

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Could you please change IP manually from to

as you did it for



thank you!

Hi I run a supernode, and for the last couple of days it is failing all the tests - except for the balance.

Up until then, it had been running perfectly.

I have restarted Nis and servant, and have rebooted my pc, but no luck.

Help appreciated

I have now reinstalled java, in case that was the issue. My node is showing at and the block height is up to date.

Both the Nis and the servant seem fine, I can’t see any changes.

Are there any troubleshooting tips/guides for me to try?

It will pass next round.