What do you disagree with? Any particular part or all of it?
Everything. It's like there was a scheduled competitive exam and people missed it. So they are asking "Could I reappear?" No, If you miss a competitive exam you have to wait for a whole year again to appear for it. In this case there is only one launch, so they should not be allowed.
I'm not against people getting a stake. But I just think that if the decision makers don't stand by their announcements and decisions, no matter how strong a team is, it is bound to break.
And why go through all this "People who bought a Nemstake before the Deadline & People who bought a stake after the deadline." bullshit. Why should extra man hours be put into it? These are people who don't care about NEM and would have played with the AE for eternity if they had been given the time.
I understand your point and I agree that we need to be strict about things. But that will be applicable when we are a centralized concern. In as much as I personally want to "centralized" NEM, the very premise of NEM being founded on a decentralized ideal, will require us to come to some sort of generally accepted consensus in the end. I believe that is only right if we have some sort of middle ground approach to this.
Hence NEM is not just the core only and if the community thinks that the core should bend a little, then the core should consider that.
Having said that, the question now arises. Should we do it? And here is my critical analysis about the whole thing. There are 88 owners (or accounts) of NS in the AE. Only TWO persons have bothered to fight for it. The rest of the 86 could not be bothered. If it was left to me, I will not bother about it. It is now >2 weeks after the close and only two are fighting to get redemption - the answer is obvious - forget about the whole thing and move forward. Just too bad. And back to the old adage, in a community, not all actions will please all people. And some 80/20 rule will have to be applied.
And you get probably about 10 or so people actively engaged in deciding what is the best solution, some against, some for it and most want to give a middle of the road solution.
Should we bother or should we just entertain these two and forget about giving the core more work to manage the rest and then just move on and make this issue absolutely closed for good?